Save My Soul

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Elijah has just arrived to the compound, where he has joined Klaus, who is waiting for him in the dining room in anticipation for their family brunch

There you are. Finally.

Elijah strips off his coat and hangs it up before heading toward the table

I was delayed.

[smiles] Our guest of honor will be here momentarily.

[bemused] Strange, our house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests. I do hope it wasn't on my account.

[laughs] I sent Hayley and her poorly groomed husband off to spend the day with their werewolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities. Leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit.

[suspiciously] Niklaus, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn. We may need Freya's assistance. So, whatever you are planning here? Don't.

[rolls his eyes] All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative. You yourself said to hear her out.

And you yourself said that would be idiocy.

[amused] Did I?

He feigns as though he's straining to remember when he said this

Well, it does sound like me. Regardless, on the off-chance Freya has some information that could protect my daughters, I'd prefer she share it on my terms. [He points toward his ear] Ah! I think I hear her now!

He turns to the door just as Freya walks into the dining room, smiling at her brothers

Sister! Well, come in! Come in! Make yourself comfortable.

Freya looks slightly nervous, but smiles warmly at them

Freya, Klaus, and Elijah are making small talk in the dining room of the compound. Freya has a small round artifact in her hands and is examining it carefully

This witch-hoop, it's Danish. Is this from when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500s?

Quite the eye!

[impatiently] Forgive me-- are we here to discuss family heirlooms, or do we have more pressing concerns?

Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum. He's been in a foul mood of late. But, he is right. I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahlia's secrets. So, without further ado, let's get to it!

The three of them take their seats at the table, which is full of breakfast food, and start their discussion. Freya clears her throat awkwardly before she begins to speak

The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I've ever seen. She craves more power still. Right now she is like me-- limited to one year of life in a century. But, she wants to be free of that restriction. To gain true immortality. And that is why she will come here-- drawn by your daughters to take the children's power for herself. And she would kill anyone who would defy her.

And yet you would defy her?

I don't have a choice. She will never let me be free. My one chance is to align with you and kill her.

Elijah looks troubled by this revelation, but Klaus doesn't seem convinced

Well, now that we're all suitably motivated, let's talk specifics!

(takes a deep breath) For you to understand, I need to start from the beginning.


[Present-day Freya narrates the flashback in voiceover as five-year-old Freya stands outside the cottage with Dahlia, who is creating a magic circle out of what looks like black sand or ash and using it to draw Runic symbols within the circle that appear to be modified versions of the alphabet runes "algiz," "kaunaz," "gebu," "teiwaz," and "laguz." Around them, Dahlia has set up tall torches whose flames are quite large and are arranged in the form of a pentagram]

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