Brotherhood of the Damned

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A woman covers all of the statues inside the church with red satin sheets. Outside, everyone is wearing white and/or red clothing; children run through the street carrying flags, while adults mingle on the sidewalks. A parade of parishioners march up the main street in white and red robes, some of whom are carrying their own statues covered in red sheets. Among the crowd is Klaus, who is rushing down the street while he talks to Marcel, who is anxiously pacing around the compound, on his cell phone

I've searched the entire French Quarter-- Finn has vanished. I can't remove the barrier that has you trapped until I have my hand around his throat.

[sighs in exhaustion] I was hoping you had a Plan B.

Davina. She doesn't know it yet, but she's going to help me break his spell. Your job? Keep Kol alive. At least until we learn Rebekah's whereabouts.

Marcel rolls up his left shirtsleeve and looks down at his forearm, where he has a large, nasty-looking werewolf bite. He winces quietly and sighs again as he flashes back to the previous day, when he was restraining one of the werewolf leaders, Jerick, who ended up biting him in the struggle

[impatiently] Are you listening to me?

[distracted] Yeah. Uh, that all sounds fine and good, but listen... when I was getting the werewolves out, I got bit.

Klaus stops in his tracks and closes his eyes as he sighs, clearly stressed by this revelation

I will get you my blood. I will get you out of that house, Marcellus. [Marcel nods in understanding] Whatever it takes.

The two hang up. Marcel looks over at the Mikaelson seal on one of the walls, which has a dragon eating an animal underneath the M. As he stares at it, his vision starts to blur, and the werewolf venom causes him to be transported into a flashback



Marcel is standing in his Army uniform as he stares at the same golden Mikaelson seal on the wall. Suddenly, Klaus begins to shout at him

You are not leaving this bloody house, Marcel!

Marcel pulls out a folded letter and hands it to Klaus

My enlistment papers say otherwise.

Klaus, visibly furious, takes the papers and skims them while Marcel elaborates

369th Regiment. They call them the "Harlem Hell Fighters." Boat leaves tomorrow.

Klaus continues to read the papers for a moment before responding

Is this lunacy because I forbid you to be with Rebekah?

Marcel snatches the papers from his hands

So, now you're going off to fight the Germans? Fine. Go. But remember, Marcel-- this is your home! I am your family! And if you haven't learned that in the century since I took you in, then learn it now! Family are not just people who coddle you, who grant you your every whim. They are people who fight for you! Who you fight for! And if this family endeavors to stop you from making a tragic error of the heart, then by all means, express your discontent! But what you do not do is abandon us!

Marcel, who has been unable to look Klaus in the eye during his speech, gives him a hard look. He silently reaches down to pick up his bag and slings it over his shoulder as he starts to head for the door

[furiously] Fine. Go! You'll be back! [He lowers his voice once Marcel has left] The prodigal son always returns home.


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