Live and Let Die

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[The vampires are congregated at Marcel's apartment, where they are all drinking and talking. Gia stands against the wall with her eyes closed, and catches a dart thrown by a fellow vampire before it can hit her in the face. When she opens her eyes, she laughs in victory and holds out her hand to the vampire]

GIA: [smirks] Pay up!

[The vampire hands her a $100 bill. Across the room, Josh is checking a message on a dating app on his phone, on which his username is NoLaYolo019. Marcel walks over and hands him a drink]

Any prospects?

JOSH: Well, since you asked... Yeah, there's this one guy. We've been messaging so far, but... I think I like him. Like, really like him.

So, what's the problem?

Oh, I don't know... I might have left a few things out of the old profile. For example, what has two thumbs and drinks blood to survive? Oh, right! This guy. [He gives Marcel a double-thumbs-up]

[He rolls his eyes and gives Marcel a double-thumbs up, which makes Marcel laughs. After a moment, Marcel is about to take a sip of his drink when someone is suddenly thrown through the windows. When everyone gets up to investigate, they find it's one of their fellow vampires, who appears to have had his throat ripped out by a werewolf. Suddenly, werewolves with moonlight rings swarm the loft, led by Oliver and another werewolf named Aiden. Gia furiously glares at the and approaches the wolves who have crashed their party]

GIA: The hell is wrong with you people? We didn't do anything!

AIDEN: [unimpressed] This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us. Learn your history.

I don't know who the hell you are, but we had a deal. Vampires stay out of the Quarter? Everybody's cool.

AIDEN: That's not good enough anymore.

Oh yeah? Says who? You? Or that witch you all answer to now? Lenore, right? Never thought I'd see the day-- proud werewolves on a witch's leash. I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it.

[Aiden smirks and nods toward the wolves behind him. One of the werewolves grabs another one of the vampires and bites into his neck. A third werewolf goes after Josh, and Josh uses all of his strength to keep him from biting him as well]

AIDEN: That's enough!

[Josh manages to push the werewolf off of him before he can be bitten, and looks flustered as he glances over at Aiden]

AIDEN: Your privileges here have been revoked. Permanently. So, when we come back, you need to be gone. Because next time? I won't call them off.

[Marcel glares at Aiden, who remains unbothered]

AIDEN: Consider this a warning, Marcel. It's the only one you're gonna get.



[The Crescent wolves who are staying at the compound are congregated in the courtyard when Elijah enters the room]

Brother! Niklaus!

[At the sound of Elijah's voice, Hayley walks into the room to see what is going on]

You do realize that literally everyone in here has supernatural hearing, right?

Where is my brother?

[sarcastically] I'll check his calendar... Wait, no. Not his wife, so...

[annoyed] Hayley, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass.

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