Fire with Fire

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Freya is in the sitting room off of the compound, where she is waving a sage smudge stick in the air as she continues casting her spell. Meanwhile, Elijah is leaning against the window, looking out at the now-raging storm

[chants] Miri benet midicen...

Suddenly, Rebekah walks in and joins them, followed by Marcel

It's done! I'm de-linked from those children, the coven's almost grateful, and we even beat the rain!

I trust that Davina will play her part?

Yeah, against my better judgment.

[to Marcel] Stop being so overprotective. If Davina's made Regent to all nine covens, she'll be granted the power to resurrect Kol and the political clout to unite the witches to our cause!

Don't pop the champagne just yet. Dahlia said she'd come for the twins, and now a storm springs up out of nowhere? You really think that's coincidence?

Elijah: Well, regardless of her power, she needs to be dealt with.

He turns to look at Freya, who is still working on the spell

Fortunately, we have a weapon.

Freya looks at him, still not pleased about her role in the plan

Look, no offense, but are we really going to put all our eggs in one still-kinda-mysterious basket?

[unamused] I assure you, I am quite motivated to aid in Dahlia's defeat. Particularly now that Elijah has forced me to be the bait.

And, if we should fail, Davina and the witches will take up the task, at the very least distracting Dahlia long enough for Hope,Mercy and Hayley to disappear.

Thunder and lighting crashes outside, and Rebekah walks across the room to close the windows to prevent more rain from coming in. However, when she pulls down the window pane, she finds that the top is covered in blood, suggesting it was opened specifically for someone to escape

[panicked] Elijah!

Elijah comes to investigate, and when he sees the blood, Rebekah leads Marcel into the room where they were keeping Klaus' body in his coffin. When they get there, they find that the coffin is empty and Klaus has vanished

[horrified] No! [She turns to Marcel] Where the hell is he?

Marcel looks at her speechlessly

Meanwhile, in the alley, human after human lays dead on the ground in front of Klaus' feet as the torrential rain soaks them all. Dahlia, who is standing at Klaus' side, looks down at his victims with a smile

Have you had your fill?

Indeed. [He smirks] I'm beginning to feel like my old self again.

Thunder crashes above him, and he looks up at the sky, allowing the rain to wash the blood off his face



The Crescent pack are circling a perimeter out in the pouring rain as they protect a shed where Hayley is doting on Hope and Mercy. Hayley eventually comes outside and joins Mary, who is under an awning, making some bundles of herbs

How's that little ones?

Sleeping right through the storm. [She sighs anxiously] Mary, I appreciate you coming, but you should know what you're going up against.

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