Exquisite Corpse

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Klaus, Marcel, and Hayley are in Klaus' study, where he's pulling a pair of the magic-cancelling manacles that Kol's witches enchanted into dark objects in 1914

I should really stop packing these away. There's always one family member or another in need of a good shackling. [He hands the manacles to Marcel] Find Rebekah-- or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was-- use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister.

[worried] Alright, I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch-kids. The twenty-four hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to? Ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her.

Klaus sighs and turns to Hayley

Go to Elijah. Get her to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt.

[annoyed] And leave Hope and Mercy? Don't you think I should stay here and protect our daughters?

[frustrated] Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army. Not to mention the fact that I'm here, and I know the best way to protect our daughters is to get Rebekah out of that serial killer's body and back into the original model.

[displeased] Hmm. And, what will you be doing while we're out doing all the dirty work?

Why, tending to the even dirtier work, as usual.

Klaus is staring at the painting of Rebekah from several centuries ago when Freya arrives and joins him, though Klaus doesn't even turn to acknowledge her presence. Freya stares at the painting with affection

Our sister was quite the beauty.

You said that you could put Rebekah back in her original body. Do it.

[laughs in amusement] So, you've come to your senses?

My senses have not faltered-- they still demand that you are not to be trusted. However, circumstance dictates otherwise... for now.

[unamused] What's changed?

Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless. So, make with your spells and enchantments and put my sister back in her true body!

Freya closes her eyes and sighs in frustration at this news

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

[smiles weakly] More stalling. Very well. I know I can't kill you, but I shall have a fine time trying. Tell me, have you ever been skinned alive?

The problem is Rebekah's condition has worsened.

Klaus' smile falls, and he turns away from her

When I offered to help, she was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that could breech Eva's mind and find her.

Fortunately for you, I know someone well-versed in such spells.

Klaus opens up the wooden box from earlier and pulls out the other pair of magic-disabling shackles before vamp-speeding over to her and slapping them on her wrists before she can react. Freya is startled by the action, but doesn't seem surprised, and simply glares at Klaus angrily

[smirks] Let's go meet her, shall we?



Klaus has just brought Freya to the cemetery, where he leads her into the Lyonne tomb, her wrists still shackled with the magic-disabling manacles. Freya is still not pleased by Klaus' attitude, and she holds up her shackled wrists in annoyance

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