Wheel Inside the Wheel

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[A young Esther is bundled up and walking through the cold and snow toward a cottage. Inside the cottage is a darker-haired witch named Dahlia, who is in the midst of performing a spell as she clutches a necklace in her hand. She is surrounded by human skulls, reindeer antlers, and dozens of lit candles]

DAHLIA: In unim edito, domino sae domina, cutlas sino liberos, sino liberos.

[Esther finally arrives at the cottage and pushes the door open, closing it behind her. Dahlia is startled and doesn't look happy as Esther removes her mittens and walks toward her]

ESTHER: Sister, I've come to beg for your help.

DAHLIA: [skeptically] What for?

ESTHER: You know I've always wanted children of my own...

DAHLIA: [angrily interrupts her] Then go. Have your Viking children.

ESTHER: It's been almost a full year, and I am still not with child. I fear I am cursed.

[She looks at Dahlia, who sighs in annoyance]

ESTHER: Dahlia, please. With your magic, you could help me!

[Dahlia stands to her feet and stares at her angrily]

DAHLIA: You come to me needing favors? If you hadn't abandoned your talents with witchcraft, you could help yourself.

ESTHER: I was never as strong as you, I know that! [Dahlia turns away from her] Just as I know you will not turn me away. You are my sister, and whatever our quarrels, we are bound by blood.

[Dahlia seems to be considering this, and after a moment, she turns back toward her sister, looking conflicted about her options]

ESTHER: [begs] Please, help me.

DAHLIA: [unhappily] What you ask of me, it requires heavy sacrifice.

[Esther steps toward her, near tears and clearly relieved by this response]

ESTHER: I will do whatever you ask!

[Dahlia notices her tears and sighs before pulling Esther into an embrace]

DAHLIA: Ah, here. I could never refuse you. [She pulls away and takes Esther's face in her hands] My precious little Esther.



[Hayley is looking out over the French Quarter from the balcony of the twins nursery when she's suddenly startled by the sounds of tortured screaming. She frowns and returns inside, following the noise to Klaus' bedroom, where Klaus has blood splattered all over his hands and face and is washing up in his sink]

Oh. So, I see your interrogation went well?

Klaus looks at himself in the mirror while he washes up

Eh, it turns out these witches are delicate creatures. No matter! I suspected my mother had Elijah captive.

Great. Let's go find them!

Klaus shakes his head no as he walks toward her to face her

Klaus: Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out.

[He's about to shut the sliding doors that separate his room from the nursery when Hayley stops him]

Wait, where are you going?

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