Every Mother's Son

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[Esther (still in Cassie's body) lights candles while she prepares a breakfast in the greenhouse. A starling chirps in a cage nearby while Esther begins cracking eggs into a bowl, mixing berries and herbs, and writing an invitation in fine calligraphy. She smiles as she looks at her work, and puts the invitation onto a silver platter with a lid]



[In the courtyard, Hayley is munching on an array of fruit and other breakfast food when Klaus comes down the stairs to join her]

So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?

[confused] It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this...

[Klaus gestures to the food on the table for emphasis]

Hmm. Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank?

[Elijah returns to the compound and joins them in the courtyard, and looks confused when he hears their conversation and notices the breakfast spread in front of them]

This wasn't my doing...

[frowns] Then, where did this all come from?

[The silver lid on the platter suddenly begins to rattle, which startles Hayley and Elijah so much that they jump in fright for a moment. Klaus looks uneasy and lifts the platter, which releases two starlings that fly up toward the ceiling, causing the three to reflexively duck to avoid being hit. They all look puzzled and nervous]

HAYLEY: What the hell was that?

[Klaus reaches for the invitation and opens it. It reads, "Dinner, Your Home, 8PM"]

An invitation from our mother.

[Klaus and Elijah stare at each other in concern]



[Inside the Mikaelson cottage, Esther (in her original body) ladles out food for her children in the kitchen, who are all very young and who have all gathered around the table for breakfast]

Now, children, it's very hot! Rebekah, Kol, be careful!

[Finn joins them at the table as they all sit down]

Where's Niklaus?

[The children all stay silent. Elijah gives Finn a knowing look, but Finn looks as though he's dying to speak]

Elijah? Finn? Where's your brother?

[Finn hesitates for a moment before finally confessing what he knows]

He's in the woods, Mother. [Elijah glares at him] Hiding.

[Esther walks out into the woods, where she finds Klaus hiding behind a tree]

[sighs] What are you doing here?

Father says he's to take me hunting later. But I'm no good. Not with him. He gets angry at me.

[Esther looks at him with sympathy and kneels so she can look him in the eye]

I understand. Do you know what I do when I'm afraid? I listen to the starlings.

[In the background, Finn can be seen eavesdropping on them]

When I was a little girl, my mother taught one of them a tune. And, since they mimic each others' songs, it spread, until every starling in the forest sang it.

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