Ashes to Ashes

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At the ORCHARD, Klaus is leaning against his parked truck, where the twins are sitting quietly in their car seats in the trunk. Next to them is Freya's unconscious body. Several feet away, Dahlia has set up a small table, on which she has created an infinity symbol with salt and lit candles, where two small pewter chalices sit within each circle in preparation for her linking spell. Klaus sighs audibly, and she glances at Klaus for a moment before speaking

You're quiet. Are you having misgivings?

I was just looking for a polite way to ask, "What the hell is taking so long?"

[gestures to the table] Well, we can begin now.

Klaus' smirk wipes off of his face, and he tilts his head curiously at her as he waits for further explanations. Dahlia smiles at him, visibly pleased about winning

Once we're linked, I'll no longer have to sleep a hundred years again. Your concerns for my status will ease, and I'll finally be able to focus on the twins

he looks over at the twins, who are still sitting quietly in the car. Klaus looks over at Hope and Mercy as well, and Hope along with Mercy turns there heads to look at there father. After a moment, Dahlia walks toward him

I will only need one drop of each of there blood--

Klaus sighs and stands to his feet, blocking her from coming any closer to his daughters and giving her a patronizing smile

--And then there powers shall be mine also.

Klaus looks into the backseat, where Freya still lays unconscious

What do you want to do about Freya?

She served her purpose.

She looks up at the moon, which is in its waning crescent phase

So, tonight, at the moon's apex, I'll end her life, and once our link is severed, the bond that I share with your daughters will become permanent.

Klaus does not seem pleased about Dahlia's reaction or her plan in general, but he does his best to keep his intentions concealed by smiling at her

Best get on with it, then.

He pushes past her and walks toward the table, and Dahlia follows behind him. Once there, she holds out her hand, which Klaus takes and clasps tightly. Dahlia waves her free hand over the table before she begins to chant

[chanting] Medareno sometswar. Medareno sometswar.

At the MIKAELSON COMPOUND, Gia's charred corpse is still laying on the floor of the courtyard where she died, and Elijah looks devastated as he covers her body with a sheet. Cami, whose hands are still smeared with blood after pulling Papa Tunde's blade out of Elijah's chest, drinks a cup full of his blood to heal after Klaus attacked and fed on her, grimacing at the taste as she swallows it. Once she's done, Elijah turns to her, looking furious as he growls quietly

So, now that you have healed, what do you mean, Niklaus had a plan?!

Elijah's voice rises to a shout

We had a plan! A plan he has mercilessly destroyed--

[loudly interrupts him] Your plan wouldn't have worked, Elijah! When Klaus got into my head, he said your plan would fail, so he had to enact one of his own.

Elijah glares at her, stunned and frustrated by this revelation

And what might that be?

He has to get her to link to him.

At the ORCHARD, Dahlia is continuing to chant the incantation as she and Klaus clasp hands. After a moment, the pewter chalices in front of her starts to fill with blood, which begins to pour over the rim and onto the table. From there, the blood travels toward the center of the infinity symbol. Klaus can barely cover up his displeasure at this event while Dahlia sways and clutches onto his hand tightly

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