The Map of Moments

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A group of carolers are singing "Carol of the Bells" around a bonfire outside of the Dowager Fauline's mansion. Mary-Alice Claire and Kol, in his original body, walk through the front gates of the home, and Mary-Alice stops to quickly set a disembodied head of a porcelain doll on the fence, muttering an unintelligible spell under her breath before they head for the porch. Astrid, who is inside, opens the door to let them in, and Kol takes off his gloves as he enters the house

Alright, darling. [Astrid hands him a gas lamp with a smile] You know what to look for.

The three split up to search the house. Kol searches through a cabinet of porcelain dolls and several jewelry boxes before finally finding a huge diamond being used as a bottle stopper at the bar. He smiles at the sight of it as he picks it up

You sly old bat.

Astrid and Mary-Alice join him in the room, and Kol holds up the diamond proudly

Clean up. Meet me at the cemetery. This little beauty and I have a date with a dagger.

Kol leaves the home, but is immediately ambushed by Klaus and Marcel, both of whom are dressed in very fine suits and hats, and who each link arms with Kol as they walk on either side of him

You're looking very dapper this evening, Kol!

Though, gloves without a tail-coat? Unusual, wouldn't you say, Klaus?

I would! Unless, of course, the gloves are utilitarian in nature...

[annoyed] I didn't realize you two lovebirds were so interested in fashion.

Oh, I can take it or leave it. Mayor Burman, on the other hand, now, his style is impeccable. Especially under present duress.

Marcel and Klaus stop walking when they reach the outside of the gate, where a young woman in all black is waiting nearby for them

You know, he came to me very concerned about the rash of thefts in the city. So, I put Marcel on it--

[finishes his sentence] --And, after a little digging, I formed a theory as to our culprit. So, we followed our suspect--

--And he led us here, to the mansion of the recently-deceased Dowager Fauline. You know, she's famous for her collection of rare and priceless jewels. Most notably, of course, the perfect paragon diamond.

Klaus and Marcel both glare at Kol, who remains silent

Hand it over, Kol.

Kol, visibly angry, digs into his pocket and pulls out the diamond before handing it to Klaus, who examines it closely


He nods at the woman behind him, who reveals herself to be a witch when she starts to cast a spell

KLAUS' WITCH ALLY: [chants] Aven sa fuis sa belise de la mer...

She then turns the porcelain doll head on the fence so it is facing toward the house. Suddenly, the door starts to rattle as Mary-Alice and Astrid desperately try to get out

[to Kol] Oh, I wouldn't both waiting for them. You see, those women will never leave that house again. Merry Christmas, brother.

Klaus and Marcel take their leave, while Mary-Alice and Astrid continue to pound furiously against the front door of the mansion



Rebekah is hanging a festive wreath on the front door of their safe house. When she returns inside, she finds Elijah leaning against the fireplace, thinking

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