I Love You, Goodbye

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It is night time now, and Cami and Hope are speeding down the road in the SUV. Both Hope and Mercy are crying, and Cami turns back to comfort them. Cami looks panicked

[anxious] It's okay, sweet girls. I just need to find a pay phone

Cami finally finds a run-down auto garage and pulls in. There is a car with its hood popped in the parking lot, but otherwise it is completely deserted. Once the car is parked, Cami gets out and rushes over to pick up the still-crying Mikealson twins from the back seat before they head toward the pay phone. After a moment, Cami trips and accidentally drops all of her change onto the ground

[frustrated] Damn it!

Hope and Mercy starts to cry harder, and Cami looks guilty]

[to the twins] Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. You're being so brave, the least I can do is watch my--

Cami cuts herself off when she hears a metallic noise nearby and freezes in place. She gulps nervously before raising her voice to call out to whoever is lurking nearby

Whoever's out there, if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes!

She pants nervously before hearing a voice behind her. It's Elijah, whose clothes are burnt in places and whose body is covered in ash, but he is otherwise unscathed

Actually, Camille, that's probably not necessary.

He reaches his hand out to her to communicate that she should come over to him quickly. As she does, she looks at him with panic in her eyes

What the hell happened back there?

Elijah quickly but gently ushers her and both of his nieces to the SUV

That's a discussion for the car.

He checks to make sure no one is watching them as they get into the car before circling around to the driver's seat

Let's move!



Hayley is in her bedroom, quickly packing up a bag of clothes, when Klaus enters the room

What do you think you're doing?

Hayley doesn't even look at him, she just continues packing her bag

Elijah said they're on the road. So, I'm going to go to them and get my daughters.


[cuts him off] Do not tell me that it's not safe! I'll tell you what's not safe-- blowing up a house just to keep your evil brother from finding either of them!

[sighs] We will deal with Finn.

[raises her voice] And then what? Every time you kill him, he's just going to jump into another body.

We tried running. We tried hiding. Neither will work.

So what's your bright idea?

As it happens, I am working on a plan as we speak! One which will be bolstered greatly if you just calm down and keep your eye on the prize!

[talks over him] Do not manage me, I have every right to--

[interrupts her] Hayley, you are getting married today. An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn! [Hayley gives him a look] You will be queen to an army.

He takes the bag out of her hands and sets it on the bed

[firmly] And a queen does not run.


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