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Gryffindor Lions 🦁

Ginny ☀️✌🏻: WELL DAMN


dean: so we all thinking the same thing right

ron 🍗: what? the fact that malfoy looks absolutely ridiculous with that hair color?

Hermione 📚: I think it rather suits him 🤔.

dean: i cant lie...i have to agree with hermione on this one. tbh, the past colors looked good on him, too

dean: oops i said it 🤷🏾‍♂️

semen: no cuz ur literally so right babe

ron 🍗: u guys are insane 🙄

Harry looked at the messages on his phone, and glanced around at his table, as Ron put his phone away with a roll of his eyes.

Putting his own phone back in his pocket, Harry kept eyeing a certain new redhead at the Slytherin table, picking at his breakfast with his fork.

When Draco had asked him to pick a color the night before, he should have really expected this, but for some reason, he hadn't thought about him dyeing his hair again. If he had, he would've chosen a different color.

Because Draco looked too damn good in red.

Across the dining hall, said boy looked over to the Gryffindor table and caught him staring. Draco grinned, almost wickedly, and sent him a wink.

Harry's cheeks grew as red as Draco's hair and his eyes widened, quickly looking back down at his plate, his stomach doing cartwheels inside him. He was really down bad, wasn't he? Merlin...this was not going to bode well for him.

a/n: sorry for such short chapters!! but at least we're getting somewhere with these two now 😩😩 also sorry for taking so long to update, i've been so freaking busy this semester, it's insane. oh, and tHANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 48K READS!!!!! LIKE THAT'S INSANE!!!!! THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH!!!! 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖

also, forgot to add this for anyone wondering what draco would look like w/ red hair :)

and yes im basing all of this off of what colors jeno has had to dye his hair for nct stuff 😭😭

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and yes im basing all of this off of what colors jeno has had to dye his hair for nct stuff 😭😭

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