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third person point of view

she lay there on the cold concrete gravel ground. The darkness of the sky, the only light of the flickering street lights twitching in the sky. No sounds just silence. She turns her head to the side tears rolling down her face at the scene in around her. Tiny pieces of glass scattered across the concrete ground. The sharp pinch from the shattered glass penetrating on her skin as she lay there unable to stand.

" Brad" she cries her voice hardly audible. As he lay so close to her yet so far away from her in his own blood. His black car between the pair.

bella's point of view

I open my eyes a bright light shining down onto my face. I feel something up my nose. I bring my hand to my nose feeling a tube up it the feeling of air going up my nose. I blink seeing a needle in my arm connected to this clear liquids.. I blink again softly seeing my adopted parents looking down at me embraced in each other's arms. My adoptive mothers eyes bloodshot and tear stained cheeks as she holds onto my hand. My eyes roll back I can hardly keep them open.

As I open my eyes again another bright light shines into them as a nurse looks down at me.
" welcome back sweetie" her voice speaks but it sounds more like an echo. I stare at her not able to form a sentence. what's going on ?

" you've been in a serious car accident you've had a complicated surgery to fix a tear in your lung and your heart" I hear another woman's voice say. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

" your very lucky and your going to be okay" the nurse says placing her hand on my shoulder. I hardly feel the touch on my skin.

" Bella" her voice echos. My eyes drop to the floor.

" why isn't she talking ?" I hear my panicked adopted father speak.

" she is in shock" I hear the nurse speak looking down at me. My adoptive mother gives my hand a small squeeze.

" everything is going to be okay bells" I hear her whisper.

I feel a tear run down the side of my cheek. As I stare up at the ceiling of the hospital room.

4 years before the accident

" are you excited to get back to university Bella after the summer holidays how do you feel ?" My adopted mum asks I shrug. Picking up my camera.

" I would much rather just take photos and not have to sit in class with people that just take the piss out of everything I do" I reply rudely. Putting my camera around my neck and picking up my rucksack.

" breakfast ?" My adopted dad asks I shake my head.

" I'm late" i mutter swinging my back pack around my back. Walking straight out the door slamming it shut behind me.

The wind instantly hitting my face as I step outside the seagulls flying in the sky. I close my eyes breathing in the fresh cold air as I start walking in the direction of my college. Taking a photo every so often of the views around. I am doing a four year photography course but am just in my first year. I really wish I could just leave not but I guess I need to try finish this course some how.

As I step onto campus I instantly spot my two best friends my sisters. I run up behind them wrapping my arms around them I feel them jump slightly underneath my grip.

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