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Bella's point of view

present day

I reach the front porch I knock on the door the familiar dog barking.

Anne Marie comes into view as she opens the door her face softens as she sees me standing there. She pulls me into a hug immediately. My body is still aching from the accident. I take a deep breath my arms wrapping around her.

don't cry Bella. I haven't seen them all since Brad. I'm scared to see Nat. I look over Anne's shoulder seeing Nat. Tears in her bloodshot eyes she gives me a small half smile. Wrapping her cardigan around her tummy.

I feel Jesse jumping up at me. I pull away from Anne kneeling down stroking her. She knows he's gone. She even looks sad.

" hey queen" I whisper I feel tears form in my eyes as is stroke her ears. Anne Marie takes my hand. As I stand up again. She called me earlier to try organise the funeral.

We walk further into the house. Which is silent. Pictures of Brad on the wall. Family photos, ones with him and Nat.  I notice two on the wall a small smile forming on my face. But also tears too.

I let go of Anne's hand reaching for the frame my thumb running across his face. A tear falling from my eyes falling onto the frame.

" that night he realised it didn't matter if you didn't say I love you. He knew how you felt. He didn't care and as soon as Tristan sent him the photo he got it framed and put it onto the wall" Anne Marie says wrapping her arm around me. I nod with a smile . That's the night I sung him the song but I missed one line of the song out why why did I do that. I don't know how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you, It just keeps getting better. I think of the lyrics.

" I wish I got to tell him I loved him. " i mutter in frustration. Even one last night.

" Bells he knew" Nat speaks her voice horse putting her chin on my shoulder as I look down at the photo frame.

" I love him so much" I whisper tears rolling down my face. Nat wraps her arms around me. The frame at my chest as I hold onto it.

" I know you do" she whispers planting a kiss on top of my head.
I notice Anne Marie start crying she walks into the kitchen to get a tissue.

" I'm so so sorry" I whisper into Nat shoulder

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" I'm so so sorry" I whisper into Nat shoulder.

" Bella don't ever apologise" Nat reassures me her voice sounding tired.

" Bella you made my brother so happy. He was living his best life." Nat gives me a squeeze letting me go wiping my eyes with her thumb.

" he got to feel what love was. True love. He was a happier person" I hear Anne Marie say I turn around as she wipes her eyes.

" you will always be apart of this family" I hear a voice say I turn around seeing Derek. I pull him into a bone crushing hug.

" remember the family holiday we had" Anne Marie whispers pointing at the picture her voice breaking. We all let out a sad giggle as we take a seat in the living room. I take Nats hand on mine. As she leans her head on my shoulder. Jesse putting her head on my knee.

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