
21 2 0

4 years before the accident

bella's point of view

I intertwining my fingers with Brads as we walk through the empty house going up to my den. The lights dim from the photos developing. I put a photo into the chemicals Brad turns me around pulling me into a kiss our lips moving in sync as I deepen the kiss putting my hand on his cheek. The photo. I pull away seeing it's gone black.

" dash it the photo is totally ruined" I groan in frustration picking the ruined photo that was of Brad up and putting it into the bin. Brad wraps his arms around my waist.

" that's why I don't let anyone up here" I whisper pushing his arms away jokingly.

" I'm quite surprised you did" Brad smirks looking around at the photos hanging up.

" if you tell anyone I will have to kill you" I smirk

Brad sits down picking up an album.

" hey hey no need to look at that" I say nervously as he opens it. Ignoring me he looks through the photos.

" noo" I groan Brad puts his hand on my cheek.

" yep I want to see this" Brad smiles rubbing my cheek with his thumb his cold rings hitting my bare skin. I sit down next to him. He flips the page seeing the one person walking across the beach. Brad takes my hand.

" I like this one" he whispers looking up at me. I smile.

" that's you isn't it ?" I question Brad looks up at me a with a nod.

" you were so close but I didn't know you yet" Brad whispers I smile looking at him.

" Bella your Photos are amazing" Brad says in awe I take the photo out of him walking across the beach.

" here you go" I say giving him the picture he looks up at me unsure.

" really ?" He questions I nod.

" I know you hate it but I think your work is incredible" Brad says as I lean my head closer to him. I run my fingers through his hair.

" one thing missing though" Brad says putting his arm around me.

" yeah yeah I know colour" I whisper Brad shakes his head putting his finger on my chin.

" you" he whispers I shake my head. Although I definitely have gotten better since meeting Brad you would never see me on the other end in a photo.

" why don't you point the lens's to you ?" He questions

" if you had my past you wouldn't want to either" I whisper as he intertwines our fingers.

" will you ever tell me about it?" Brad sighs. I nod.

" I will walk you home" I whisper my hand still intertwined with his. Brad lifts the photo I had given him holding it so close to his chest so protectively. His other hand on mine as we start walking to his house which is actually not that far away.

" my dad left when I was born and I never met him" I start

" my mum turned to drugs and would have these drug dealer boyfriends in a new one pretty much every month. I would hide in my bedroom scared that if I made a sound they would find me" I explain Brad gives my hand a squeeze.

" I thought one of them heard me one night and he did he slapped me right across the face and kicked me out. I was only 6 and I found somewhere to stay on the streets but the police came and they took me into foster care" I continue.

" I went from home to home family to family. Until vikki and John took me in and adopted me let's just say not all homes and families are very nice." I turn to look at Brad who's eyes are on me.

" when you live with strangers who can hurt you yous see things differently as a foster kid you learn to" I begin as I struggle to put into words but Brad speaks.

" to never put your guard down" he says

" yeah" I whisper with a nod.

" let them love you Bella" Brad says putting a piece of my hair behind my ear as we reach his house.

" I will try" I whisper as he leans in planting a kiss on my lips making a smile form on my face.

" thank you for telling me" he smiles into my shoulder as I pull him into a hug. He plants a kiss on my forehead before giving me a wave and heading into his house. The picture still closely to his chest. I head back home and get some sleep. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder telling someone. Okay I have told Lucy and Kirstie but I have known them since I moved here.

Brad is the one person I have trusted so quick. I have never felt this way about someone before. It is getting less scary each day I spend with him.

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" he is slowly becoming my person ✨"

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" he is slowly becoming my person ✨"

                       200 likes  // 40 comments

@username: this relationship makes me believe in love

@username2: I'm obsessed with them

@username3: fave couple to date

@bradleywillsimpson: HEY THATS ME

@bellafoster: no shit Sherlock @bradleywillsimpson

@bradleywillsimpson: your slowly becoming my person to x

@bellafoster: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @bradleywillsimpson

@kirstiebrittain: I can't deal 🥺🥺🥺

@luceemoore: my heart is melting

@bellafoster: STAP ITTTT you and James and you can con are goals like come on there gonna put a ring on them fingers soon @kirstiebrittain @luceemoore

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