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present day

bella's point of view

I arrive at university me and the girls have an exam today. I roll my eyes even thinking about it.

" Bells" I hear Kirstie's voice as she stands outside the corridor.

" I saw him" I whisper Lucy and Kirstie scrunch up their faces.

" what do you mean you saw him?" Kirstie asks

" he held my hand I didn't feel it but the photo was there i saw it" I whisper

" Bella this is unhealthy" Lucy says with a frown. Putting her hand on my shoulder. I push it off straight away.

" forget it I don't even know why I bother telling you guys" I snap walking into the exam room. I grab my pencil. Righting down some answers. The whole room is silent.

I let out a sigh as I drop my pencil. The pencil moves but stops at the edge and roles back. I pick it up placing it down it starts to wriggle the pencil pointing at the answer A. A small smile forms on my face I pick up my pencil circling a. I let out a laugh.

" Bella" the professor says

" sorry" i mutter I notice Kirstie and Lucy looking at me confusion on their faces.

I pick up the pencil putting it onto the paper I feel my pencil being dragged across the page. My hand starts moving it was like a wing. I jump siting back dropping the pencil. I pick up the page turning it around. What does this mean ? What are you trying to tell me ?

I hear my phone start playing stand by me.
"This is an exam phones away" my professor shouts furiously however all the phones in the room starts playing the song. Our song.

I look around even the professors phone is going. Kirstie and Lucy look at me reaching for there phones.

They look at me a smile forming on my face. I told them. They look at me shocked. He is still here. I'm not going crazy.

4 years ago before the accident

bella's point 

I just arrived at brads house. He comes to the door pulling me into a hug.

" your not scared of dogs are you?" He asks I shake my head seeing a beautiful golden retriever running through to me. I lean down stroking her.

" you must be Jesse" I smile as her tale wags even quicker she rolls onto her back as I rub her tummy.

" she likes you" Brad smiles looking at the sight in front of him. I look up seeing a beautiful black piano.

" wow" I whisper standing up Jesse following me I go over to the piano. Admiring it.

" you know the piano is my favourite instrument ?" I ask Brad he raises his eyebrow.

" really ?" He asks curiously I nod.

I sit down on the cold stool as I run my fingers across the smooth white keys. I feel Brad sit down next to me.

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