
19 2 0

3 years ago

bella's point of view

I gently pull my dress strap over my shoulder I'm wearing this beautiful satan dress I don't normally wear stuff like this so I'm nervous for Brad to see. I grab the last strand of my hair curling it. We are going to a fancy ish restaurant tonight which I'm also really nervous about. Although I get on really well with brads family but sitting down at a proper meal scares me.

" Bells you ready ?" I hear brads voice as he comes out of the bathroom. Wearing a white shirt and a blue suit jacket he stops in his tracks looking at me up and down. His eyes widen. A small smile forming on his face.

" don't don't do that" I smirk covering my face in embarrassment. Brad doesn't say a word. He walks over to me.

" you look incredible" he says in awe planting a kiss on my cheek. Making my cheeks turn pink instantly. As he moves my hands away from my face.

" you look very handsome in that shirt" I smile leaning my head into his planting a kiss on his lips making him smile into the kiss.

I hear a knock on the door.

" come on guys the taxi is waiting" Nat shouts. We both pull apart our lips both slightly pink. I bite down on mine trying to hide my smile. Brad gets his blazer putting it on and takes my hand. I intertwine our fingers and we head outside to the taxi everyone is already sitting in.

" look it's the beautiful couple" brads dad says with a smile.

" you both look amazing" Nat smiles

" guys stap it your embarrassing me" Brad jokes in a high pitched voice making us all laugh as we get into the taxi and sitting down in our seats. As we head to the restaurant which isn't to far away.

We arrive at the restaurant and we head and get our seats. I'm next to Brad of course. Nat next me as well as Anne Marie and Derek are sitting in front.

We order some drinks and our food just waiting for it to arrive.

" so Bella how is your foster mum and dad" Derek asks I nod.

" there good" I smile taking a sip of my water out of nervousness.

" I would actually when we are back would like it if you all got to meet them" I say looking at them all Brad gives me a smile.

" we would love to" Anne Marie smiles. Looking across at me from the other side of the table.

" Bella we want you to know your apart of this family now know matter what" Derek says I look at him unsure of what to say. Brad wraps his arm around me planting a kiss on my forehead.

" thank you" I smile. Wrapping my arm around Brad.

" your my sister now" Nat raises her voice in excitement.

" your the better Simpson" I joke pulling Nat into a hug making everyone giggle.

" hey hey hey she's mine" Brad jokes pulling me back into his arms making us all laugh again. I look and I just see Anne Marie looking at Brad with a proud happy smile as he holds me in his arms.

I look up at Brad as he speaks to his dad holding me tightly to him. My head resting in his chest.

A small smile forms on my face the butterflies still erupting in my tummy.

He makes me feel so special.
He makes me feel like the only girl in the world.

Instagram post


" we got a drawing done 🥰" 

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" we got a drawing done 🥰" 


10,222 likes // 200 comments

@bellafoster: 🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘

@connorball: okay stop you guyssss 🥺🥺

@luceemoore: cuteness overload

@kirtsiebrittain: we miss youuuu xxx

@jamesmcvey: we love you guys xxx

@tristanevans: can't wait to see your faces at the weekend

@username: I'm obsessed with this couple

@username: my heart

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