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4 years before the accident

Bella's point of view

" Vikki" I shout from downstairs.

" yes sweetie?" She asks

" tea with milk right ?" I question she nods trying to hide her smile. I pass her her cup.

I hear a horn outside. I grab my bags.

" see you later vik" I smile heading to the door.

" see you later" Vikki says I head out to the car seeing Brad smiling.

" you brought your guitar ?" I ask him. He nods a smirk on his face.

" you told me to bring a blanket food tea in a flask Brad where the heck are we going" I giggle putting the bags into his boot.

" you will have to wait and see" Brad smirks as he starts the car and starts driving.

" your wearing the beanie" I smile

" you can't resist a guy in a beanie can you?" Brad smirks.

" only one guy" I smile planting a kiss on his cheek. I press play on the music. I turn to look at Brad the song coming in again.

" did you have this ready?" I question Brad nods making me laugh.

" your to cute" i scrunch his face together with my fingers the squishy face making him chuckle. as we pull up at the lake.

" it's beautiful" I whisper stepping out of the car.

I take out my camera taking photos. Brads arm wrapping around my waist.

" this is where I come and write music" Brad explains as I lean my head against his chest. His chin going on my shoulder.

Brad takes off his beanie placing it on my head making me giggle. I put my hands through his hair which has gone slightly wild after taking his beanie off.

I take out the blanket Brad gets one side and we put it down. I take the beanie off putting it into his car seat a smile on my face.

Brad goes into the bag I took passing me a flask with tea pouring it into a cup and he takes one and he passes the other to me.

" Bella do you want to know something" Brad says lying flat on the blanket looking up at the sky.

" yes I do mr Simpson" I smirk leaning my head on his chest. Brads arm wraps around me as he draws circles on my bare shoulder. My top is off the shoulder I'm not naked before you start thinking that.

" love never dies" he whispers I sigh. Looking up at him.

" what?" He questions seriously

" you sound like you have never been hurt before" I whisper Brad looks at me for a second and stands up.

" come on Bella" he says with a jump getting a rowing boat putting it into the water as he puts his guitar in it. We both get in and we row out to the middle of the lake. The sun shining on our faces.

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