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bella's point of view

Four years ago

I just arrived at the party I don't normally come to parties. But with Brad and the boys performing I thought I would come be supportive. As soon as I arrive I notice Kirstie and Lucy. They pull me into a bone crushing hug as soon as they spot me passing me a red cup. I take a sip the burning sensation going down my throat.

" this place is packed" I say looking around at all the people.

" the boys are finally getting recognition" Kirstie squeals excitedly which makes my smile grow wider I'm so proud of them.

I notice the boys walk onto the stage and they start singing me and the girls sing along and dance. Brads eyes on me most of the night.

They were on the mini stage for 45 minutes and are just about to perform there last cover song.

" we thought we would do a little cover so sing a long if you know this one" Brad speaks into the mic.

" this is kiss me" Brad smiles looking over at me.

The boys start playing and Brad takes a breath and starts singing.

" Kiss me, out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, (swing, swing) swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress" I smile watching as closes his eyes and sings his heart out on stage. The crowd absolutely love all four of them.

" Oh, kiss me" he sings opening his eyes and looking at me. I smile back at him.

" beneath the skhrhrbm" Brad laughs forgetting the lyrics making me giggle. Kirstie and Lucy smile at me knowing it was cause he was looking at me. A few people turn to see who he is looking at with a smirk. Butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me" he regains himself finishing the song. Me and the girls cheer for them and they walk of stage putting there instruments and everything away.

I take a sip of my drink. I jump feeling an arm wrapping around my waist. I lean my head back the familiar smell of his aftershave and arms wrapping around me. I look up as he plants a kiss on my lips.

I smile look up at him.

" you were amazing" I whisper he smiles planting a kiss on my forehead.

" my number one fan" I hear him whisper in my ear. I nod.

" right stop being so stinking cute" Kirstie says looking at me and Brad. I smile at her. With a giggle.

I have something planned tonight which all the boys know about and the girls to obviously.

" picture" Tristan says taking out his phone to take a photo of me and Brad. I intertwine our fingers as brads arm wraps around me and I turn to face him as we both smile at each other.

" your to cute" I hear Tristan says

" aren't they just perfect" I hear Kirstie's voice say.

" there just my favourite couple" I then hear Lucy's voice say.

" me too" I hear James and Connor say in sync. I lean my head on brads shoulder as he plant a kiss on my forehead. As he reaches for a beer bottle taking a sip.

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