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bella's point of view
three years before the accident

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bella's point of view

" congratulations on the new album" i exclaim rolling onto my side running my hand through brads hair. A tired smile forms on his face. He turns to me. Opening his eyes. We stayed at mine last night. Last week his parents met my adoptive parents and they all get on so so well it fills my heart.

" what are people thinking?" Brad asks nervously looking at me my phone in my hand. I give him a smirk.

" it's in the top 50" I whisper I hear Brad squeal with excitement. Pulling me into a hug.

" ahhh oh my gosh oh my gosh" he says I squeeze him so so tight.

" also you may have gained a few few followers" I smirk he grabs his phone his eyes look like the about to pop out of his head. When I say a few I might a lot.

" Bella this is terrifying" he mutters. I reach for his hand. 50 thousand followers.

"Terrifyingly amazing" I smile proudly.

" we got invited to this movie premier tomorrow night will you be my date I was gonna actually ask you today?" Brad asks I nod planting a kiss on his lips making him smile.

" I would love to go with you" I smile kissing his cheek.

" I actually got you something"'I jump out of my bed reaching into my wardrobe.

" Bella I told you not to" Brad groans sitting up his bare chest now uncovered. I turn around with a little bag sitting back down on the bed. Crossing my legs. My knee on his leg.

" I'm proud of you I had to get you something to say congratulations. Plus if your going on tour soon I want you to always have a piece of me with you" I whisper passing the small bag to him. He looks at me thankfully. He opens it his mouth drops as he opens the box the ring he has always wanted.

" Bella this is this is far to much" he stutters looking up at me in shock.

" just put it on please" I beg putting my head on his shoulder. He pulls me in for a kiss his hand on my cheek.

"'Thank you" he whispers pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

" I love you" he whispers I reach my hand stroking his cheek making him smile. Our cheeks both turning pink.

He takes the ring putting it onto his weeding finger.

" hey hey what are you doing?" I ask him confused

" I want people to know I'm taken by the most amazing girl in this world. The girl I'm going to marry one day" he whispers putting his thumb across my cheek. I smile.

" but isn't it bad luck?" I question

" I will take my chances because I'm the luckiest guy in the world" he whispers I pull him into a hug as he pulls the ring on his wedding finger as it fits perfectly.

" do you want to get married one day?" I whisper into his shoulder I feel him nod.

" do you ?" Brad asks taking my hand. I intertwined my fingers with his.

" I never wanted to get married no" I whisper truthfully. Brads smile fades. I fiddle with the ring on his finger.

" but when I met you. Nearly a year together. I can't think of anything I want more than to grow old with you" I say nervously. Brad looks at me. As he bites on his lip trying to hide his smile.

" the best year of my entire life" Brad smiles I run my hand down his bare chest.

" not quite a year but nearly I don't know how you have put up with me" I smile

" I'm whipped" Brad smiles I nod.

" me too" I whisper planting a kiss on my lips.

This boyyyyyy I'm so obsessed with him.

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