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present day

" Vikki?" I question in fear my voice croaky my adoptive mum turns around. She comes over bringing my hand into hers. As she only just let it go a second ago. That's the first words I have spoken.

" where's Brad ?" I ask her my whole body hurts. I have stitches going down my chest from the operation. My adoptive mum sits down giving my hand a squeeze. I look at her tears forming in my eyes. I shake my head.

" no" I cry anger in my voice I feel her pull me into a hug as I sob in her arms.

" he can't be gone he can't be" i cry I feel her grip tighten around me. Her arm rubbing circles on my back. Brad used to do that when I was upset.

" I'm so so sorry Bella" she whispers planting a kiss on my head. He used to do that too. I feel like my heart wants to come out of my chest. It's broken.

" what happened ?" I ask her she brings her thumb wiping my eyes. What happened feels like a blur I don't really know what happened.

" someone drove into you both they think Brad pushed you out of the way." Vikki speaks tears in her eyes. I look at her confused.

" but why why would he do that?" I whisper trying to remember what happened but I can't.

" he loved you Bella he would do anything for you" she says I nod as I begin to sob again.

" how am I gonna do life without him" I cry into her chest as she holds me tightly in her arms.

" I didn't say good bye" I cry as I start to choke with all the crying.

" Bella sh sh sh you need to try calm down" Vikki says running her hand through my hair trying to calm down.

" where are my friends ?" I ask them.

" they are out side" she replies.

" can you um get my friends?" I sniff wiping my eyes she looks at me unsure.

" please" I beg. My eyes so blurry from the tears she nods. Heading outside to my friends. Kirstie and Lucy come in first with tears in their eyes. They pull me into a hug.

" we are so glad your okay" Kirstie says I feel myself starting to crumble again. It's like my whole heart is shattered into a million little pieces.

" I told you didn't I" I whisper into their shoulders tears running down my face. There grip tighten around me. They sit up on the bed with me as three heartbroken boys walk into the room. I sit up off the bed slowly because of the pain and I pull them into a hug. The three of them I hear them sniff. To indicate there crying which also sets me off. Tristan head on my shoulder.

" I'm so so sorry" I whisper holding them so close. I can't imagine the pain the pain there feeling he was there best friend there band mate they did everything together. They were brothers.

" Bella what happened ?" Tristan asks sitting at the bottom of the bed. My hand in his. Lucy and Kirstie heads on my shoulders as they hold Connor and James hand.

I shake my head wiping my eye with my free hand.

" I don't know I can't remember" I frustratedly say. I can't remember anything from the accident why why can't I remember.

" Bella this wasn't your fault" Connor says giving me a reassuring smile. Putting his hand on my leg. I shake my head in disagreement.

" I didn't get to tell him I loved him. I didn't get to say goodbye." I cry bringing my hands to my face. As I let go of Tristan's hand he pulls me into a hug as I cry into his chest.

" he knew how much you loved him" Tristan whispered. Planting a kiss on my forehead.

" he knew Bella" I hear James whisper wiping his eye. Putting his other hand on my shoulder.

They look heartbroken.

" we were fighting before the accident. He was getting ready to leave to go on tour" I cry into Tristan.

I feel Lucy take my hands and pull me off of Tristan so I am looking at her.

" me and Connor have had the same arguments But that doesn't mean he doesn't know I am proud of him. Brad knew you were his number one fan he knew that." Lucy reassures  me her eyes not leaving mine.

" you never held him back you pushed him to do better to achieve more. He wanted to make you proud" Kirstie says pulling me into a hug. Everyone nods.

" I just thought that if we were in different places he would find someone better" i mumble wiping my eyes.

" he felt the same way he thought you would find someone better which made him fall out with you" Tristan says I raise my eyebrow really ? I question. Tristan nods knowing what I'm thinking.

" we aren't going to be okay without him are we ?" I question we all shake our heads. We all sit there in silence trying to comfort one another.

" we will learn to live. But it will never be the same without Bradley Will Simpson" James says his voice breaking. We all pull each other into a group hug. One space next to me is empty. Where Brad should be?

This world will never be the same.

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