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The silence was quite uncommon to her, the presence of those huge statues twice her size, bones 10 times her age, and the ancient smell in the air, almost like papers from another century, was something she could get used to, something she appreciated in it. But the silence was different. She could barely stand it.

It was different from the life and joy of India, from the haunting family that made her leave it. No, life changed and now she was stuck in a land of coldness and silence, seeking comfort in objects of the past, of beings already dead.

Death itself never haunted neither scared her. Maybe because of her culture, or because of the education her parents gave her, or, the thought that Mira always had in her head "live a happy life, and your atman will be reborn in a different body, whatever it turns out to be, embrace it, it's a gift".

Mira wanted death to be fast, so when the moment she died, she could be born quickly and enjoy her life. So she could be a free spirit again.

She was a free spirit, anyone who'd land their eyes on her would see the happiness in her by just a glance, by the way, her lips curved in such a pleasing form, and her cheeks marked in joyful expressions. Her laugh was music to anyone's ears, and her voice was so smooth, so enchanting that it was almost addicting.

There was gracefulness in the way she walked towards the streets of London, as the cold air surrounded her exposed shoulders from the lilac blouse, keeping her head high, up to the grey sky, trying to find tiny details within the dark clouds.

It would be a good day, she hoped that all the time, wished and prayed to keep it that way, but at the same moment, felt like a missing piece would remain in her chest. The feeling of moving to London should be exciting enough if she knew someone, if that wouldn't be her first day in that job, if the afternoon wouldn't decide to rain and make her hair and clothes wet, so she could enter as a mess in the museum. But everything was real and happens at once.

She looked at the amulet that hanged as a necklace around her neck, it was a small pendant given by her father, an amulet of Lord Vishnu. She held the amulet tight in her hands and closed her eyes, praying for a moment.

A car drove fast by her side, throwing more water into her. No, that wasn't how she expected, but still took a deep breath, tried to keep calm, and proceeded to walk, deciding that go to the bathroom as soon as she arrived, so that she could solve that watery body problem.

-Everything has a reason.-She told herself.-It's alright.

When arriving at the location, stopped for a moment. Her breath escaped in relief to finally observe the huge building in front of her, letting a smile escape through the cheeks wet by raindrops falling delicately from the sky.

Pushed the door, with courage inside her chest, walking with wet steps towards the saloon, receiving surprising eyes from the receptionist.


-Hello, my name is Mira Anand.-She offered her hand, trying to dry it on the wet blouse.-I was hired as a tour guide, this is my first day. I think I should speak to miss...-She searched desperately for the card inside her purse, dropping some coins and objects on the way, which the receptionist didn't even volunteer to help pick up. She moved a strand of hair in front of her face and spoke with a gentle smile reading the card- Miss Donna. I think she is the manager here.

-You sure you're in the right place?-The man spoke skeptical.

She furrowed her eyebrows a bit irritated and laughed to keep the atmosphere light, as she picked up the objects on the floor.

-Yes. Yes, I am.

The man rolled his eyes, and, before she could speak something towards him, another man rushed towards the door, clumsy just like her, bumping into her shoulder, saying a low sorry, muttering something as the receptionist replied with not much enthusiasm. He went inside, seemed like an employee, and, as he organized some boxes, started talking with a child about an ancient golden Egyptian statue.

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