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This time he helped her get out of the boat, and only the bare touch of their hands would make both blush.

But yes, they did kiss, a quick, steamy, wich later they barely could stare at each other from embarrassment. It happened suddenly, not planned, but very welcome.

Wich left the question on their heads: what now?

Marc went against his rules, put her in danger, and also, kissed her by pretending he was Steven (not another person, but yet, a different part of him). While Mira risked her friendship and finally admitted her feelings, wich she still did not know if he felt the same.

They decided jn their minds to not talk about it. Mayne it was better that way.... For now.

They had better things to do. Get to the sarcophagus.

-So, remember, your name is Rufino Estrada.- She told him- My brother.

He looked confused at her.

-What?-She asked.

-I thought-

-What did you expect?

-Uh...I don't know, a-

-You can't be a friend or boyfriend, I need to make my way up to Anton.-She explained. He felt slightly bothered by the idea.-Unless if you want to seduct him, I heard he's bi.

-I'll leave that to your charms.-He excused himself.

-Alright.-She took a deep breath- It's showtime.

The event had only the elife of society joining it, while riders in horses made an spetacle on the background, where they needed to reach to small pyramids of glass, where the sarcophagus was.

A security guard stopped them.

-Invitation, please.-He asked.

-Tabitha Estrada.-She gave him the card- I got the invitation with Stella.

-Stella?-He read the card.- And where is she?

-She couldn't come today, so I came in her place.

He looked at her up and down.

-Not so properly dressed.

-It's not as if he would care about clothes, would he?-Mura chuckled softly, she was almost an actress at that moment.

The security didn't reply, but she did have a point.

-Follow me, please, he's awaiting.-He saud, but when Marc mentioned to foow, he stopped him-Who are you?

-That's my brother, Rufino.- She pondered- His superiors might want to make bussiness with Mr.Mogart.

The security analyzed him for a short second, them nodded in agreement.

-Right this way.-He walked foward and they followed.

Marc leaned to her ear and whispered:

-How do you know this Stella?

-I don't.-She replied- I just overheard her saying she works here, and stole her wallet with the card.

-You did what-

-Shhhh.-She grabbed his arm -let's go. Keep walking.

Mira and Marc arrived at some sort of attraction where men rode hordes in an arena with very much gracr, and most of all, huge egos. Between them, the one they were looking for, Anton Mogart.

His security guard left, saying that his boss would meet them shortly.

Not too long later, a man in a robe got out of its' horse, with a not so volumous beard and a narcissistic aspect, directed  himself towards them, and there was no such doubt that this was the one they searched for.

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