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While Steven and Marc had their adventures across Egypt, Mira wandered around like a tourist. Don't get her wrong, she was worried about Steven, she truly was. But it's not everyday where you get to travel and see Cairo.

A perfect opportunity to finally put in practice her Arabian was a bit rusted, but she managed to explore the city pretty well, it was full of color, people, culture and movement, vibrant like nowhere else.

If Steven was alright he'd be so excited, imagine how many places they could visit together, so many history within those lands.

But his sudden travel wasn't for knowledge, there was something wrong between that sudden trip. And she needed to find him.

The hotel the doorman spoke about was indeed with the guest she looked for, but that was the thing: it was under Marc Spector's name, not Steven.

She wondered around downtown since she couldn't find him there, but there was still no sign of her friend.

Mira looked at a man selling some juice, she was quite hungry but her mind kept telling her no. It was always this dilemma, her body against mind, her needs against her wishes. Her nightmares against reality.

Guilty for common acts.

Walked towards the man, decided to buy a juice, she'd take care of it later.

But, in the action, as she had just finished paying, bumped into something. A strong arm held her just in time, the Juice Man was barely paying attention, already had another client, oblivious the schocking moment that was about to happen.

The arm pulled her, making her body close to the figure's, and she finally could look beneath the cap that hid their face.

Brown into brown, eyes widened, breaths holding.

-You.-He muttered.

-Steven.-She opened a smile.

At first, she thought her eyes were mistaking her, but after looking once again, realized: it was him. It had to be.

He was wearing grey, and had a cap above his head. His clothes did not look like those he generally used to wear, but maybe he had that change of visual because of the weather, she thought.

-Oh, God, you're alive!-She exclaimed and put her arms around him.

Marc did not know how to react, didn't embrace her back of course (the idea was an absurd to him), but neither pushed her instantly away, thought for a solid second, processing the information of what he should do now that she was here.

"It's Mira." Steven exclaimed "Mira's here!!"

She aparted from him and looked into his eyes, surprising herself by how serious his expression was, and how he lacked reaction towards her.

"Marc you need to let me talk to her!"

-What are you doing here?-He complained.

-What are you doing here?-She interjected- You turn into some white suited high class executive with a ski mask, then at a mummy with batman's cape style, and now suddenly go to Cairo? What is going on?

-You shouldn't be here.

-Neither should you.-She complained- I guess...

-Didn't you see what happened yesterday?! Are you blind?!

-No, that's exactly why I came.

-That's exactly why you shouldn't, it's dangerous!

He looked over the buildings, nowhere was safe, they couldn't just stand there, on plain sight, for someone to attempt to kill them. After the trial with the Gods, Harrow would do anything to fulfill his goal.

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