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For the 3 days Mira has been working in that museum she noticed 3 things about the place.

1- Donna was a bitch. Honestly, she would be mean to anyone without reason, and to be honest, Mira almost lost her patience with her, and she had just started to work there.

2- Being a Tour guide is not easy, people cross limits, touch the stuff, and talk nonstop. That is, without speaking of the school visits, God, that was true hell.

3- The best exposition so far, and, her place where she could find a bit of peace was the Egyptian one. Sometimes it would be empty and she'd look over those statues again and again nonstop. It was still too fascinating and surreal to her.

From the amount of time she spent there, there always found a familiar visitant, Steven. They didn't argue for these three days, she decided to forget what happened and don't touch the subject again.

They didn't talk much but were respectful to each other, most of the time he was locked in that basement preparing stuff for the gift shop, since Donna asked him to organize the inventory within this week only.

At that morning, when Mira entered the Egyptian area, he was already there, earlier than usual, observing and admiring one of the exhibits full of gold.

The woman decided to stand by his side today, it wouldn't hurt.

-You took my spot today.-She joked without looking at him.

He just then noticed her presence and gave a light smile.

-Oh, sorry...-He stuttered.

-It's alright.-She replied.- Good to see you have been freed from that basement.

Steven couldn't help but laugh.

-I know right?-He replied.-I'll be working only at the souvenir shop for now. Enough basement full of rats.

-Ew, rats?!-She gasped.

-Don't worry, they are quite friendly.-He joked.

Mira laughed, Steven followed, and he couldn't help but notice how beautiful her smile was. Whoever dated her must be lucky, he thought.

Besides the museum, Mira noticed 3 things about Steven.

1- He had an accent, typical of the UK, but it was quite weird for her to get used to it at first, since when he met her, he had a clear USA accent in his speech. She asked about it a few times but he alleged to don't remember what she was talking about at all.

2- He was extremely kind, and shy. He would be clumsy, let things fall, and stutter to talking or speaking his mind. He'd often get offended by Donna and wouldn't say anything. But he'd also help kids learn, as good as a tour guide, and always help others when needed...well in his way.

3-Wich she'd only notice now:

-You come here a lot.-She commented.- I guess you like Egyptian History.

-Hm? Yes, yes, I do.-He replied, quite surprised about someone asking about his interests.- I mean, how couldn't I? -He looked admired at the exhibit- There's so much humanity still doesn't know, this is just the tip of the iceberg.-She observed him with attention-  How many civilizations lived before us, how much they have learned and discovered that we didn't. And the mysteries they still contain out there, waiting to be revealed.-He shook his head -Pyramids and gods are just a part of it.

Now she noticed it:

3- He was extremely intelligent and passionate.

Mira looked a bit admired at his speech, and how he observed high the posters on the wall. His head a bit lifted up, the sharp jawline exposed, and some of his hair strands falling in front of his eyes. She would dare to say that he was quite handsome, and the more she spoke, the more attractive he would become by his intelligence:

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