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The dark of the night still prevailed untouched, just as the man she loved, who lied on the ground, with no counsciousness.

That's when she heard low growls ine the dark, roars from mechanical engines wich approached into the evening, and, that did not seem as friendly ones.

She would have to take that man out od there by herself. Just looking at him made her give a deep breath, Mira wasn't someone of great strentgh, she was rather impressive by her mind, not her muscles. She lacked in that area a lot.

Dried the tears on her face with her hands, whatever would happen next, she wouldn't leave him alone, by the fate of destiny and Ammit's followers.

-Okay.-She sighed.-Let's go.-She pushed him by the arms, and, the amount of strentgh she applied moved him very, very slowly.- Steven....-She had difgixulty to speak as she applied effkrt to pull him- and Marc...-She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth- ...I swear...if we make it out of this alive...ugh...I'll kill you by myself.

But the car got closer and closer, when Mira realized, they were shoiting at her. She squated on the ground, and, in the midst of the conflict, she roleld with the man's body down into the sand.

The car insisted on finding them. If Mira wanted to have a chance on surviving and saving him, she'd have to take a risk.

-Sorry Jaanam.-She delivered a gentle kiss om his forehead and left quickly.

Mira ran as sfast she could towards their car, hiding behind it, as the enemies procceded with theirs, illuminating through the dark searching.

Outside, she could hear the man speaking in Arabic they seemed to have found something. "He seems dead" she could understand them saying.

At this point, Mira had already entered the car and hid herself behind the benches, but she knew that if she wanted to keep both of them safe, she'd have to do something.

Now, whay could she do exactly?

Mira had no great combat skill, but luckily, she was a quick thinker. Searched an emergency aid kit, inside, found a box with a flare gun. The pistol did surprise her a little, but maybe she would be able to do something with it. There was also no time to search for anything else.

Got out of the car, walked in the sand, closed her eyes, preparing jerself for the loud noise and shot to the air. The flare high in thr air in a beautiful light made the enemies change their target and turn to her, screaming "there she is! Get her!"

-Oh my God...-She muttered into an expression of full terror in her face.

They chased after her, she ran, holding the little case containing the munition for the flare gun. Tried to charge but one of them fell into the ground, now she only had one last chance.

Fell miserably on the ground, the car came closer and closer.

Rolled until the back of her car, her breath was so instable that she thought she'd have a heart attack before they could be able to catch her.

Her hands trembled, closed her eyes and tried to charge the flare gun, she'd only have that opportunity, if not, she would die in a desert, and so would Steven and Marc.

-How the hell did I get here...-She complained.

Then, as the truck passed by, she got up, got behind them, and when they least expected, shot towards them.

Well, her intention was to hit the man, but her aiming was so bad that it hit a box neat them in the truck. What no one expected os that the bux was full of weapons, munigion and inflamable materials. When the it hit those materieals, a huge combustion started, followed by an explosion, wich made the enemies fall on the floor, unconscious, and the car stop drastically, bursting into flames.

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