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Steven didn't send his usual "Good Morning" text that day. It was quite surprising, but maybe he had just forgotten.

Another day of work, she dressed up nicely, green palette-themed, a gloss that could seduce anyone at sight, and a perfume that was just ethereal.

Mira was able to leave on time, catch a cab, and arrive at the museum before her first tour. Donna wouldn't be able to complain, that was already a small victory.

Once she entered the doors the museum was already starting to get crowded, which made her a little nervous, not gonna lie, but she was also excited.

She greeted the receptionist, J.B., he was once again watching seals' videos, he probably only did that, she never really saw him working at all.

Mira prepared herself next to the areas where the tours should begin, and, met with her coworker, Dylan.

-Mira, hey!-She smiled.

-Hi!-She said back.- So, ready for work?

-You know I am!

Dylan was an astonishing woman, with dark skin, curly dark hair, and shiny eyes, as her delicate traces formed a polite smile. She was very smart and worked there longer than her, so had plenty more experience in that area.

-We've got 3 school tours, so be prepared. She lifted her thin eyebrows.

-Oh My God.-Mira muttered already imagining the disaster.

She looked around the saloon, still no sign of Steven. Wondering if he was okay, she sent a text:

"Hey, where are u? Did you come to work 2 days?"

-Mira!-Dylan called as the visitors' lines started to form at the entrance. -It's showtime.

Mira took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment, the silence was broken by multiple kids running and screaming like little monsters, no, no, angels. Yes, little angels. That's how she should think about it.

Opened her eyes, and walked towards the nightmare.


At lunchtime, both Dylan and Mira parted ways. The second one hoped that maybe could find Steven and they'd have lunch together at a Vegan restaurant she found nearby.

Walked towards the gift shop, and another staff was in her friend's place, which made her feel a bit worried.

The shop was the way she had organized with Steven, the products in that meticulous order no one else could've thought of.

-Excuse me.-Mira approached the staff man.-Where is the guy who works here? Steven Grant?

He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows as she was saying some sort of joke.

-He just left, haven't you seen him?

-He comes to work today?

The man nodded agreeing.

-I'm just here to deliver these boxes.-He pointed to a pile nearby. So he wasn't replacing him, he was just passing by.

Steven came to work and didn't reply to her messages, almost as if he was avoiding her. She wondered why. Between these few days, nothing bad happened between them it was the opposite, after she convinced him to adopt Gus they had a great time together.

She walked away from the store, and tried to call him: he didn't pick up, worse, rejected the call. He was ignoring her perphaps? No, she didn't want to think about it that way. Maybe something had happened and he didn't feel okay to talk to anyone.

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