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Harrow was a doctor.

Harrow was a doctor?!

Marc fought against the guards that grabbed him against his will. Harrow on the other (a very different version of him, all tidied up, with glasses and an academic outfit) warned the nurses to be gentle. As if he cared.

Marc pushed one of the adversaries away while managing to bite the other and get free me from their arms. At this single opportunity, he ran away as fast as he could.

The empty and haunting white hallways seemed like an endless labyrinth, and the nurses were still after him.

Marc chose a random path despite them and continued, but they were not far behind.

That's when something held his arm, pulling him inside a room and closing a door

He looked finally in front of him, her chocolate brown eyes sinking into his, as he was completely mesmerized ( also surprised) by her figure.

-Shh.-She told him and pressed his body cornering a wall, trying to don't show their silhouettes through the glass part of the door.

He could listen to her heartbeat and feel her body against his, for an instant in that madness he felt real. He could feel that he wasn't insane, that the reason for his clarity and dreams was there. She brought him back to his senses.

The nurses passed fastly and Mira stepped away,  as Marc tried to recover from having her so close.

-What have you done now?-She asked with his arms on her waist.

-Mira!-He hugged her desperate. She carressed his back gently.-Thank God, I...Harrow...and this place-

-Are you alright?-She lifted one eyebrow confused.

-Yes, now that you are here.-He looked into her eyes.

She caressed his cheek and gave him a soft comforting smile, he closed his eyes for a second absorbing her comfort.

That's when they heard something knocking, a sound of something bumping into a structure. Locked somehow.

Mira parted from him, and behind her, a huge sarcophagus lay on the ground.

-What is that?-He asked her.

-I don't know. Maybe you should open it.-She suggested.

He glanced back at the structure, approached it someone yelled to be freed, Marc pushed with great strength the opening, revealing a person inside.

The person yelled, jumped outside, freaked out shook hands in the air. Until their eyes stabilized at Marc.



They ran towards each other, wrapping themselves into a tight, melancholic, and heartwarming hug that was long needed.

Then, Steven parted, quite confused yet surprised, looking at his other persona:

-How is this possible?

-I don't know.

Steven looked around and stopped suddenly when he saw Mira.


She opened a warm smile, and he ran towards her arms, hugging her right, as if she was a teddy bear and that he would never let her go. Closed his eyes, trying to believe that it was real.

-I thought I lost you.-He muttered with his face buried in her shoulder.

She pet his head, and he looked at her with great amusement and admiration, taking her hands and kissing them delicately.

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