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She almost fell into an abyss by how much her feet ran, almost flying through the air. It was still dark, worse than before, and her flashlight allowed her only to see part of the rocks surrounding her.

-Damnit.-She complained.-Stuck in a thumb with a heka priest, a flashlight..-She noticed something inside her back pants' pocket- A chocolate bar. Wow. Thanks, Steven, really helpful.-She looked over the abysm in front of her- How the hell will I pass this...

She started to slowly walk through the edge, her feet almost slipped at the steps, and rocks rolled down at each movement, but she managed to handle the walls.

Cold, thin, and aggressive hands grabbed her from her back, tapping her mouth and pulling her into the darkness. A heka priest.

Mira was terrible at fighting, and the more she struggle to get out the creature always pulled her back in.

But, in a daring new idea, she attempted, the creature started to choke.

Mira looked back at her hands, a shiny metallic package of Snickers testes on them, as now the creature fell to the ground, exposed to the light, struggling to breathe again.

She grabbed the flashing light, and, with the metal parts it, used to hold it, she started to punch the creature on the ground. One on the face, two, almost three, it was quite hard at first, since the heka priest moved uncontrollably and led her to the floor a few times but since his throat was full and sour, she could gain some advantage.

-Haramkhor ( a person who consumes time, a waste of time, a bad person, bastard).-She cursed the last time, and, with all her strength, used the flashlight's structure, hitting the creature's brain, breaking its skull, as its blood splashed on her hands and face.

Mira got up again, looked at herself, and felt disgusted towards the liquid, but took a deep breath attempting to clean a bit of her face with her shirt. She looks at the empty chocolate package on the floor.

-Love you, Steven -She chuckles.

When Mira recovers herself, she hears someone clapping hands slowly behind her.

She turns around and sees Harrow.

Marc walked through the tomb but also had no idea of what he was searching for.

"You need my help," Steven told him.

-No, I don't.-Marc complained but knew that he wouldn't find anything on his own.

"The least you could do is let me take the body to help. I've never been in a tomb you know."

-Least? And what do I owe you?

"Besides kissing Mira?"

Marc rolled his eyes but almost tripped on a rock on the ground.

-You're angry, I get it. Once I finish this mission I'll disappear.

There was a moment of silence, Marc told himself those words were so much that now...now it was quite frustrating to believe them. Somehow he didn't want them to come true.

"You do love her," Steven said in a serene clear tone.

-No I-

"You do, and I understand," Steven said comprehensively. "I mean, how not to? Right?" Marc gave a weak smile. "It's good that you told her the truth."

-Why would you think that? I mean...

"I wouldn't want to keep secrets from her." He admitted, "and you shouldn't keep this all to yourself just so I can feel better."

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