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After that weird change of events, 2 days later Steven seemed back to normal, it was Thursday. He fed his fish and got out of his apartment, clumsy as usual, sleeping on the bus, running through the streets, and saying good morning to strangers.

But, he wasn't sad he caught himself smiling at the phone's screen:

"Hey, listen"

He loved to speak to her, maybe it was the boost to get him out of bed every morning. It was hard for him to imagine a life without Mira now.

"Who is the famous Egyptian 19th Dynasty Chef?"

Steven thought for a moment, trying to seek into the depths of his mind an answer, but couldn't. He replied:

"I have no idea"

She then started to type, he was anxious for the answer, as the bus shook with multiple people all at once, bumping into him. The only one smiling in a sea of serious sauces

"Gordon Ramses II"

He tried to hold it but exploded laughing loudly, as the people around him looked as if he was insane. But if that means to be insane, then so be it, he would be happy being it.

Steven arrived at the museum on time as usual, greeting people as he walked, and, even from afar he could recognize her silhouette.

How could she be so gorgeous? The way she stood with that elegant stance, that hair framing her body full of curves and that smooth, dark brown skin on a slightly tight black dress.

Mira turned her head, and, seeing him, gave a bright smile that could light up the whole world.

Steven made his way through the crowd and met her, the museum was a bit more packed than usual, probably because of the new exhibits that had just arrived.

Someone pushed him with their back, making him bump against her

-Oh-She exclaimed with the impact of their bodies, Steven quickly stood again you okay?

-I am, sorry.-He spoke awkwardly.

-It's fine.-She said while trying to stop thinking of the sensation of his body against hers.-Busy day today.

-Very.-He chuckled.-Oh.-He took his phone from his pocket, almost making it fall on the floor took this picture of Gus yesterday.

She got close to him to see it. Their cheeks almost touching, as she looked at the screen. The way she was so close made him inhale deeply her sweet, maddening perfume. He could get high on it forever. Almost closing his eyes to the sensation.

Blinked three times. Got away from the trance.

-Aw, so cute. Even though the pic's a little blurred. -She chuckled.-I'll teach you how to take better pictures someday.

-He smiled.

-STEVIE!-They already knew who it was. Stevie, take She gave him a small package full of treats- The others from Monday already ended.

He grabbed the package and was about to walk away when Mira interrupted:

-Um, Donna...-She started- I was thinking...Maybe I could take Steven on the tour with me? -She tried to explain- He'd be of great help since we have so many visitors today.

She looked at both of them, almost to make sure they were being serious.

-Yeah, of course, and I'll help the queen of England to choose her outfit of the day.-She laughed at them, Steven looked down, Donna never failed to disappoint - His job is at the gift shop Miss Anand. And that's what he'll do. He's not a bloody tour guide! How many times do I have to say that?-She pointed to Steven- Now go and do what you are being paid for.

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