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Mira never went to Steven's apartment, to be honest she was quite surprised by how it was, very dark actually.

She walked in as he closed the door, observing the fish into the blue water, a source of much light in that scenario.

-Hey Gus.-She greeted the fish with a smile, then, turned serious.-Huh....he has 2 fins...I'm pretty sure Gus had just 1 right? That's why you liked him so much.-She lidted one eyebrow- Can fishes grow fins at this age?

Marc observed Mira in that reflection, she was attentive, he did have to admit  and her sense for curiosity and justice were like no one else. She wondered why would she be there, helping Steven. Why did she care so much?

Something pointed his chest. Somehow, Steven now had a better life than him, at least he had someone to be there with him.

Marc didn't.

But the fact that she was there, still, apart from all her noble acts, was still dangerous. And ruinung a life like hers, just because of him...even if she didn't know him, they barely talked, only brief interactions with bad results, he did not like her (he told himself), but refused to let an innocent get involved in that chaos.

He looked once again at her charming traces as she observed the fish in the water, the plumped lips, the deep yet charming eyes, how delicate yet string her features were...

"She shouldn't be here. Get her out of here, Steven. You're way out of your depth."

-I just want my life back.-Steven muttered to Marc.

Mira turned around.

-Hey, we sill solve this, okay? Now try to stay calm, we don't want another panic attack, right?-She said sweetly and walked through the apartment.

"What did you do to have her in your life-" Marc wanted to say, but he didn't.

Steven followed her, she had stopped to walk now. Looked confused at the bed.

-Is this your flat, Steven?-She tilted her head.

-Um, yes.

-Are you..uh...living with someone else in here or...?-She pointed at the chains at the bed.

He blushed in a vibrant and saturated red. Quickly replied:

-No, no,no.-He said-This is my mom's flat.

-Oh.-She nodded.- Right...I completely forgot.-She teued to don't make the situation worse- You talk with her all the time on the phone, isn't it?


-Nice...-She gave a half smile.

Mira walked towards another area, gasped at some sight at the table:

-Wow.-She spoke excited, observing the many papers and books.- Look what we have here...-She read some lines- Hieroglyphs, learning a whole...

-...new alphabet.-They completed the sentence together, a light smile on their faces.

-Yeah, and... Well, you still have to know ancient Egyptian to read it.-He said.

- Sure.

-For example, like this one here, right?

-Funeral rites.- She completed.

-Well, someone knows their unilaterals.-He chuckled- You.-He flushed- Sorry, I don't mean that in a creepy way.

-That's amazing. -She looked at the papers, then at him, giving a charmjng smile.-Well  hou are.

-Yeah.-He looked at her completely drown into her presence. She laughed, just then he realized- Wait what-

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