Brave New World~1

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Mystic Falls Hospital
Elena wakes up with a start and goes out of the room. The nurse is the only one in sight.
Elena:"Excuse me? Where is everyone?"
Nurse:"It's the middle of the night honey."
Elena:"It is? Oh, uh...have you seen my aunt?"
Nurse:"She left after dinner with your boyfriend and then your sister Nevaeh stopped by."
Elena:"She did? Yeah, she did but she said her name was Isabela. Can I please get something to eat?"
Nurse:"Breakfast comes around seven."
Elena:"But I'm hungry."
Nurse:"You should go back to sleep."
She goes towards the room but then she stops.
Elena:"What is that smell?"
Nurse:"Back to bed."
The nurse leaves but Elena stays in the hallway. She looks everywhere and sees a blood bag in a patients room. She goes towards the bag and touches it but the nurse arrives.
Nurse:"What are you doing in here?"
Elena:"I don't know."
Nurse:"You need to go back to bed."
She takes Elena to her room and leaves.
Elena sits down on her bed and takes the hidden blood bag from her pocket. She drinks it but doesn't like it and was disgusted, throws the bag to the floor.
She looks down at the bag on the floor, climbs down from her bed and picks it up. She starts drinking again and her fangs appeared.
Mystic Falls High School

Everyone is preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival

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Everyone is preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. Bonnie and Nevaeh are taking care of everything.
Bonnie:"Isabela looked just like you, it was freakish."
Nevaeh:"Well, she is my ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth in the cafeteria, is that okay?"
Bonnie:"Yeah, that's fine. Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you like a family member, she was you."
Nevaeh:"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got."
Bonnie:"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?"
Nevaeh:"I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not knowing or I could get these prizes I the ring toss."
Bonnie:"Have you talked to Damon since he saved Jeremy from being killed by that vampire?"
Nevaeh:"No, I haven't talked to him today. I just don't want to talk about vampires or any vampire related stuff." She gives a bag full of plush to Bonnie. "I'm human and I want to do human things. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy."
Bonnie:"Okay, I'm sorry, we'll focus. We have to make Elena proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this."
Nevaeh:"I know, because my sister's not human, obviously."
Bonnie:"Obviously." They all laughed.

Jeremy and Stefan are in the hallway at Jeremy's locker.
Stefan:"It's the same as the bracelet Nevaeh gave you."
Jeremy:"It protects me from compulsion."
Stefan:"Vervain is toxic to vampires."
Jeremy:"Like poison?"
Stefan:"Yeah, it's very poisonous. It keep them out of your head."
Jeremy:"But why vervain?"
Stefan:"Don't know, certain natural herbs and roots and other elements are just harmful to vampires."
Jeremy:"Like a stake to the heart?"
Stefan:"Right but it has to be wood."
Jeremy:"You're pretty confident in yourself telling me all the different ways I could kill you."
Stefan:"Jeremy, if I thought you wanted to kill me we would be having a much different conversation."
Jeremy:"Yeah, that vampire is the one that deserves it."
Stefan:"I want you to forget about that vampire, all right? He is probably like a lot stronger than you and he's probably long gone by now. You got to try to move forward."
Jeremy:"I was killed by a vampire and brought back to life by a magic ring. How do I move forward from that?"
Stefan:"Right, well, today we have a nice little distraction courtesy of the slave driver Nevaeh."
Nevaeh arrives.
Stefan:"Hello Nevaeh."
Nevaeh:"Hey, did you..."
Jeremy:"Yeah, yeah, I set up the good fish toss all three hundred gold fish." He said in sarcastically. "It's gonna be epic!" He leaves.
Stefan:"He's gonna be alright, he's just been through a little bit of an ordeal."
Nevaeh:"I was just hoping that this carnival would reel him back into the land of a high school teenager."
Stefan:"That was what we are doing here?"
Nevaeh:"Yes, we all are. Were going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'v' word is not uttered."
Stefan:"Got it!" He got serious. "I have a quick question. Uh, what do we do about Damon?"
Nevaeh:"Is he causing any trouble?"
Stefan:"No, but..."
Nevaeh:"Then he's good." She smiles up at him, trying not to thinking about Damon, and how she wants to be in Damon's arms right now.
Stefan:"Unfortunately Isabela showing up has been a little bit of an odd place, little off- kilter, kind of dangerous. Who knows what he's up to?"
Lockwood Mansion
Damon is in the living room with Carol Lockwood.
Carol:"So I understand that John Gilbert left town. Have they found the vampire that attacked him?"
Damon:"Well, the sheriff has asked me to take a lead on that and I promise you I will get to the bottom of it."
Carol:"Which brings me to my next subject. With Richard gone, I'll be acting as interim mayor until the elections and I'm going to need someone to spearhead out the council. I'd like that person to be you."
Damon:"Whatever you need Carol. As a founding family member it's something that's very close to me so I would be honored to help keep this town safe from vampires."

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