The Descent~2

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Mystic Falls High School
Rose is there in the parking lot near some garbage cans. She reels over and coughs. A man is throwing out some garbage and sees her.
Man:"Excuse me, are you okay?"
He comes closer. She violently bites him and drinks his blood. He falls to the ground dead.

Later, Damon joins the sheriff. The police have found the body.
Sheriff Forbes:"Thanks for coming so quickly."
Damon:"No, I was close by Liz, what happened?"
Sheriff Forbes:"A vampire. Luckily, one of my deputies discovered the body before anyone else saw him."
Damon:"We have to secure the area."
Sheriff Forbes told her deputies,"Don't cause a panic, but let's take this party into the cafeteria." She turns to Damon. "I take the east side of the school, you go west?"
Damon:"Sure, okay."

I was leaving a message for Stefan,"Hey, Stefan, it's me. I don't know where you are but please call me. It's important."
Damon joins me.
Nevaeh:"Hey. Have you heard from him? Do you know what he's up to?"
Damon:"My baby brother s not exactly my priority right now. Take this." He gives me a stake. "Come on, let's go."
We leave.

Two students are walking to their car.
Boy:"Hey, what was going on back there with the police?"
Girl:"Some maintenance had a heart attack. He just dropped dead."
She goes into the car and waits for her boyfriend but he doesn't get in.
His body falls on the car. The girl screams. She runs out of the car but Rose s already there and bites her. Damon arrives.
Damon:"Rose, stop!"
She rushes towards him but he grabs her and pins her to the ground.
Damon:"Rose, Rose! It's me, it's Damon. It's Damon."
Her face is normal again. She looks at the girl's body. She starts crying.
Rose:"Did I do this? I never meant to hurt anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone."
Damon:"I know."
She looks at me.
Rose:"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Damon:"Come on, let's get you home."
Rose:"No, I don't have a home. I haven't had a home in so long." She cries. "Oh make it stop, please make it stop! I hate it, make it stop!"
He carries her in his arms and starts walking away. I picked up the stake from the ground.
Salvatore Boarding House
Rose and Damon are in his bedroom. She's in the bed, covered in sweat.
Damon:"Hi there."
Rose:"I'm sorry."
Damon:"You went on a murderous rampage. It happens."
I walked into the bedroom.
Rose:"I'm sorry, Nevaeh. I don't like taking a human life, I never have."
Damon looks at me, annoyed,"You shouldn't be here."
Rose:"It's the worst part about it: the hunt, the need to kill, the thirst, the pleasure it brings you afterwards. I wasn't meant to be evil. It hurts."
Damon:"Stop talking about it."
Rose:"Damon's a lot like me. He wants to care but when he does he runs away from it. I'm sorry for what I've done today."
Nevaeh:"I know."
Rose:"And you need to fight. I know that you're scared but you have to do it anyway."
She coughs. I came closer and put my arm around her neck.
Rose:"Why are you so nice to me?"
Nevaeh:"Us humans."
Rose:"You can never forget it, what it's like to be human. It haunts me. It's the only thing that's kept me going. It doesn't hurt as much anymore."
Suddenly she starts to hurt and scream.
Nevaeh:"What do we do?"
Damon:"Just go...I got this."
I left. Damon sits on the bed with Rose and takes her in his arms.
Rose:"Oh God! Make it stop, make it stop! I can't take it anymore, make it stop!"
Forbes Residence
Tyler is sitting outside of Forbes house, waiting for her. She arrives.
Tyler:"Hey. Where have you been?"
Elena:"At school. What's up? What's going on?"
Tyler:"We need to talk."
Elena:"Why? What's wrong with you?"
Tyler:"I don't understand one thing."
Tyler:"Why would you risk it? If a werewolf bite kills a vampire...why would you risk it?"
Elena:"Because you needed help."
Tyler:"I could have killed you."
Elena:"But you didn't."
Tyler:"I don't understand you, Elena."
Elena:"Why is it so hard for you to let someone else help you?"
Tyler:"That's not it."
Elena:"Yeah it is, Tyler. It's like you don't want anyone to care about you and I'm sorry I care. I care Tyler so forgive me if I overstepped my boundaries by actually giving in..."
He kisses her suddenly. They gently kiss again.
Elena pulls away,"You can't do that."
Tyler:"I'm sorry, it's..."
Elena:"Everyone just need to stop kissing me!"
She goes inside and slams her door shut.
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon is still with Rose.
Rose: "Who would have thought you'd be a nice guy?"
Damon: "I'm not nice. I'm mean. I like it."
Rose: "You're lying."
Damon: "Shhh, just sleep. Just sleep."
In her dream, Rose has long hair and is in a dress. She's walking in a paddock with horses. She runs and sits down next to Damon.
Rose: "This was my favorite place to come as a girl. How did you know?"
Damon: "Word gets around. You told Nevaeh."
Rose: "Am I dreaming?"
Damon shrugs his shoulders. She closes her eyes and breath.
Rose: "The sun is so warm. I miss this. I miss being human."
Damon: "Humanity is not all it's cracked up to be."
Rose: "I had friends, I had a family, I mattered."
Damon: "You still do."
Rose: "No but you do. You built a life whether you want to admit it or not. I spent 500 years just existing."
Damon: "You didn't have a choice, you were running from Klaus."
Rose: "There's always a choice."
Damon: "You know, you're ruining a perfect day with your strange philosophical babbling."
Rose: "I'd like to enjoy the fresh air. Would you enjoy it with me?"
Damon: "For a while."
Rose: "Thank you."
Damon: "For what?"
Rose: "The pain's gone."
Damon: "I'm glad."
Rose: "Will I see them again? My family?"
Damon: "I think you'll see whoever you want to see."
Rose: "That would be nice. Maybe I'll see Trevor too. I'm not afraid anymore."
In reality, Damon lets go of Rose's hand and pulls out a stake. He points it to her heart. He's crying.
Back in the dream Rose gets up.
Rose: "I'll race you to the trees."
Damon: "Well, you'll lose."
Rose: "I'm older and faster."
Damon: "Oh, you think?"
He gets up.
Damon: "Well, I'm controlling this dream. Maybe I'll cheat."
Rose: "On the count of three. One, two..."
Damon drives the stake through her heart. He weeps. Rose's dead.
On a dirt road in the woods. Sheriff Forbes parks her car and gets out. Damon is waiting for her. She walks over to him, and he opens his car trunk.
Damon:"Here's your vampire."
Rose's dead body is in the trunk. The sheriff is surprised.
Sheriff Forbes:"How did you find her?"
Damon:"It doesn't matter. What matters is that it's over."
Sheriff Forbes:"Thank you Damon. Once again, you've helped keep this town safe."
Damon:"I'll take care of burying the body."
He closes the trunk.
Mystic Grill
Tyler takes a seat at Jules's table.
Jules:"Thank you for coming."
Tyler:"So what do you want from me?"
Jules:"Just to be your friend. Mason would have wanted that. I know about Mason and you."
Tyler:"You know what?"
Jules:"I know you're a werewolf and I know your little friend Elena is a vampire."
Tyler:"How do you know about Elena?"
Jules:"You can't sniff them out?"
He doesn't answer.
Jules:"Oh my god. You're brand new. How many times have you turned?"
He doesn't answer. Jules leans and places his hand on his.
Jules:"Hey, I can help you."
Tyler feels uncomfortable and takes his hands off the table.
Tyler:"Do you know where Mason is?"
Jules:"He's dead, Tyler. He was murdered."
Jules:"You want to know who murdered him?"
Tyler:"Just stop."
Jules:"Your little brunette vampire did."
Tyler:"No, Elena would never do this."
Jules:"She and her little vampire friends were behind it, Tyler."
Tyler:"Elena is the only vampire in town."
Jules:"Is that what she told you? She lied. This town is crawling other vampires but don't worry, we'll get them."
Tyler:"Who are you?"
Jules:"I'm your friend. There are others like us and they're in their way."
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon enters the door. I was sitting on the couch waiting for him.
Damon:"You were supposed to leave."
Nevaeh:"I did but then I came back to make sure that you're okay."
I gave him a glass of scotch.
Damon:"I appreciate the gesture. I'm just glad it's over." He drinks.
Nevaeh:"You know that I don't believe that."
Damon:"Go home, Nevaeh. Get some rest. It's a whole new day tomorrow..."
Nevaeh:"Damon, I'm your friend."
Damon:"I'm well aware of that."
Nevaeh:"And a friend usually knows when their friend is hurting."
Damon:"What do you want to hear? That I cared about Rose? That I'm upset? Well I didn't and I'm not."
Nevaeh:"There you go, pretending to turn it off, pretending not to feel. Damon, you're so close, don't give up."
Damon:"I feel Nevaeh, okay? And it sucks! What sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me. Jules was coming after me.
Nevaeh:"You feel guilty."
Damon:"That would be human of me, wouldn't it Nevaeh? And I'm not human. You want to talk about giving up? That's all you've done is give up! Go home. It's been enough doom, gloom and personal growth for one night."
Nevaeh:"Okay, I will." I gave him a long hug. "Good night, Damon."
I left the boarding house.
Gilbert Residence
I arrived back at the house, and I saw Stefan.
Nevaeh:"Stefan, you're home."
I shook me head.
Stefan:"I um...I called Amelia."
Nevaeh:"I know.
Stefan:"I'm sorry, I had to."
Nevaeh:"It's okay. Did you find her?"
John:"Not exactly. Hello Nevaeh."
Nevaeh:"Uncle John."
A girl is driving down a road in the woods but she stops because a man is laying in the middle of the road. She gets out and rushes over to him. It's Damon.
Girl:"Sir, are you okay? What happened?"
Girl:"And you're laying in the middle of the road."
Damon:"Not that kind of lost." He sits up. "Metaphorically, existentially."
Girl:"Do you need help?"
Damon:"Well, yes I do. Can you help me?"
He takes a hip flask from his pocket and takes a drink.
Girl:"You're drunk."
Damon:"No. Well, yes a little maybe."
She starts to leave.
Damon:"No please don't leave. I really do need your help."
He rushes over to her and compels her.
Damon:"Don't move."
Girl:"I don't want any trouble."
Damon:"Neither do I but all I got is trouble."
Girl:"Why can't I move?"
Damon takes another drink from his flask, then puts his hands on her shoulder.
Damon:"Whats your name?"
Damon:"Hi Jessica. I have a secret, I have a big one and I never said it out loud. I mean, what's the point? It's not gonna change anything, it's not gonna make me good, make me adopt a puppy. I can't be what other people want me to be, what she wants me to be. This is who I am, Jessica."
Jessica:"Are you gonna hurt me?"
Damon:"I'm not sure because you are my existential crisis. Do I kill you or do I not kill you?"
Jessica:"Please don't."
Damon:"But I have to, Jessica because I'm not human and I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world! That is my secret but there is only so much hurt a man can take."
Jessica:"Please, don't." She cries.
Damon:"Okay." He compels her,"You're free to go."
She runs to her car but Damon rushes over to her and bites her. She falls to the ground dead.

 She falls to the ground dead

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