The Last Day~2

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Mystic Falls Hospital
Carol is sleeping. Tyler looks at her and goes out of her room. Jules walks up to him.
Tyler:"what are you doing here?"
Jules:"I should be asking you the same thing. I told you not to come."
Tyler:"she's my mom. I had to."
Jules:"now we have to get out of here; lock ourselves up before tonight."

Outside as they walk to the parking lot, they meet Elena, she's surprised.
Elena:"Tyler? Jules."
Jules:"I'll give you a few minutes."
Tyler:"thank you."
Jules:"just a few, Tyler."
Tyler:"I got it."
She leaves so they can be alone.
Tyler:"she's just making sure I'm safe."
Elena:"so what, are you two, like, friends now?"
Tyler:"she's been helping me. How are you?"
Elena:"I heard about your mom. I just came to check in on her."
Tyler:"she's banged up, but she'll be okay."
Elena:"and you?'s everything with you?"
Tyler:"I'm hanging in there."
Tyler:"yeah. I should get going. Jules and I need to get on the road."
Elena:"you're leaving again?"
Tyler:"I left for a reason, Elena."
Elena:"Your explanation must have got lost in the mail, along with your goodbye."
Tyler:"Well...take care of yourself."
Suddenly Elena holds her head and screams and a moment later so does Tyler. Maddox appears from behind a car with his hand outstretched in a claw pointed at Tyler. Greta appears behind Elena and injects her with vervain.
Greta:"Let's go."
Maddox takes Tyler and Greta takes Elena.
Mystic Grill
Jace is leaving a voicemail to Elena,"Hey, Elena, it's me. I thought you were coming back to meet me. Look, I need to talk to you. It's important."
He hangs up and sees Damon arriving. Damon goes to the bar and asks for a drink. Alaric arrives and sits next to him.
Alaric:"I'll have the same."
Damon:"I screwed up."
Alaric:"Yeah. Yeah, you did."
Klaus:"Gentlemen? Why so glum?"
Klaus is standing next to them at the bar. Alaric and Damon looks at him.
Damon:"Ugh, Klaus, I presume."
Klaus:"In the flesh."
He looks at Alaric.
Klaus:"Thanks for the loaner, mate."
Damon gets up looking angry,"Any reason you stopped by to say hi?"
Klaus:"I'm told you and your brother fancy my girl. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret."
Damon breaks into a smile at the irony of the comment,"Ha. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?"
Klaus:"You are kidding?"
He looks at Alaric.
Klaus:"He is kidding, right?"
Alaric:"No, not really."
Damon:"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?"
Klaus:"Let me be clear...I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up." He leaves.
Damon:"That was fun."
Alaric:"You're going to screw it up, aren't you?"
Damon looks at him,"You think if I took his werewolf out of the equation, she might...get over the fact that I tried to turn her into a vampire?"
Alaric:"I think it won't matter, because you'll be dead."
Damon:"But without the werewolf, he can't perform the ritual tonight, which means I would have bought her one month before the next full moon."
Alaric:"And you'll still be dead."
Damon:"Are you gonna help me or what?"
Alaric:"What do you want me to do?"
Stefan and I are walking in the woods on the side of the mountain.
Nevaeh:"Where are we?"
Stefan:"It's a surprise. Just a little bit longer."
Nevaeh:"I'm not a vampire yet, you know. My legs still get tired."
Stefan:"Ready to talk about how you're feeling about all of this?"
Nevaeh:"Uh...this morning I was just wondering if I would live or die, and now...I'm going to be a vampire. I...I don't really know how I'm feeling."
We arrive at the waterfall.
Nevaeh:"God, this is beautiful."
Stefan looks at me,"I think you do know how you feel. I just want you to know that it's okay to tell me."
Nevaeh:"I can't, Stefan. I just...I can't talk about it."
Stefan:"Well, if you don't want to, that's your choice. Todays about you.'s a long way to the top. Let's go. You never know what might come up."
Nevaeh:"Really, we're climbing all the way up to the top?"
Stefan:"Oh, yeah."
Nevaeh:"Well, why can't we use you vampire jumpy thingy to climb to the top?"
Stefan:"No, it might be your last day as a human. Why cheat now?"
I smiled and I took his hand. We both start walking up along the waterfall.
Alaric's Residence
Isabela is looking for a blood bag in the fridge. She hears the key in the lock. She gets up and goes to the door. It's Alaric. He stands outside his apartment without entering.
Isabela:"Look who's dumb enough to come back."
Alaric:"Well, someone had to invite him in. Damon. Would you like to come in?"
Damon comes in and she rushes over to him.
Isabela:"Are you trying to get me killed?"
He pushes her against the wall.
Damon:"I gave you vervain, now I'm here to collect. I got it from here, Rick."
Alaric:"You sure?"
Damon:"Yeah, only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get back to the house. Keep Nevaeh from handing herself over."
Alaric:"Okay." He leaves.
Isabela:"Get blamed for what?"
Damon:"I need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf."
Isabela:"Why? What are you going to do?"
Damon:"Dead werewolf equals no ritual."
Isabela:"No. You can't interfere, Damon. Klaus will you and everyone you've met."
Damon:"I just need to delay this thing."
Isabela:"No. No way."
Damon:"You should like this. It's going to buy another month of your pathetic life."
Isabela:"Right. Except that I'm not the vampire he's planning on sacrificing."
Isabela:"Yeah. He's got Elena Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood. Therefore, I'm in the clear."
Damon:"And where'd he get that idea from?"
He goes toward her. She holds her hands up in innocence.
Isabela:"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get myself out of here."
Damon:"What if I told you Nevaeh has vampire blood in her system?"
Damon:"Imagine how much fun that will be competing with Nevaeh for Stefan's love for, I don't know, forever."
Isabela:"The tomb. He's got them in the tomb."
Damon:"Thank you." He leaves.
Fell's Church Tomb
Elena and Tyler are chained against the walls, facing each other. Elena wakes up. Tyler is looking at her.
Tyler:"You all right?"
Elena:"Yeah. I think so."
She tries to break the chains but she can't.
Tyler:"I already tried."
Elena tries to stand up but falls back down,"Those witches vervained me."
Tyler:"Who were they?"
Elena:"I think they're with Klaus."
Tyler:"Who the hell is Klaus?"
Elena doesn't answer right away," shouldn't have come back here."
Me and Stefan are climbing to the top.
Nevaeh:"I guess Bonnie might have to make me a daylight ring."
Stefan:"Yeah, piece of cake."
Nevaeh:"And I'll never be able to watch "Bambi" again."
Stefan:"I definitely wouldn't recommend doing that."
Nevaeh:"What's the best part about being a vampire?"
Stefan:"Ahh. You feel like you could do anything. Be anyone. Beautiful things are more beautiful. Everything's heightened, you just live more intensely, love more powerfully."
Nevaeh:"And the worst?"
Stefan:"Ah, you know the worst."
Nevaeh:"Aside from the blood."
Stefan stops to look at me,"Anger becomes rage. When you're sad, you're in despair. Grief. Loss. It can cripple you.  That's why so many of turn off our emotions off. It just becomes...too overwhelming. You know, for a while, for me, the good just wasn't worth the bad."
Nevaeh:"How long before you learned to handle both?"
Stefan:"Well, I'm still trying. Every day. What else?"
Nevaeh:"Lets just need going. We're not even halfway to the top." I kept walking.
Alaric's Residence
Isabela is making coffee, and then Klaus arrives.
Isabela:"Everything okay?"
Klaus:"What have you been doing?"
Isabela:"Making coffee. Do you want some?"
He rushes over to her, grabs her by the throat and compels her.
Klaus:"Tell me what you've been doing."
Isabela:"Making coffee."
He releases her and she holds her neck, gasping and turns around.
Klaus:"Wait. Take off your bracelet."
She takes it off and gives it to him."
Klaus:"Now, I want walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight."
Isabela:"But I'll burn."
Klaus:"You don't have a choice."
She stands in the sunlight and the side of her face exposed to the sunlight starts to burn. She keeps screaming. Klaus looks at her with a smile. He lets her burn for a moment.
Klaus:"That's enough."
She rushes over to the corner of the room, in the shadows.
Klaus:"Guess I was wrong. All right, then. I need you to do something for me."
Fell's Church Tomb
Damon is in the woods just outside the stairs leading into the tomb. Maddox is there.
Maddox:"Which one are you trying to save? The brunette or the wolf? Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?
Damon:"Wishful thinking."
He rushes over to Maddox and pins him on the ground. He starts strangling him but Maddox uses his powers and throws Damon back against sobs rocks. He falls on the ground. Maddox gets up and uses his powers and provokes a headache. Damon screams and tries to fight the pain.
Suddenly there's a gunshot. Maddox falls to the ground. Damon raises his head and sees Jace with a rifle. Damon gets up, snaps Maddox's neck and looks at Jace suspiciously.
Damon:"What are you doing here?"
Jace:"Where's Elena?"
Damon:"Listen, man. Not a good time to play the hero."
Jace quickly cocks the rifle and points it at Damon.
Jace:"Where is she? And what did he do to her?"
Damon puts his hands up and starts stepping forward slowly,"I'm just here to rescue her."
Damon rushes over to him and hits him in the face with the butt of the rifle. Jace falls to the ground, unconscious. Damon picks up the rifle and clears the bullets out of it.
Damon:"You're lucky I already screwed up once today or you'd be dead."
Damon crouches and picks up a bullet. He realizes its wooden.

Nevaeh Gilbert|D.Salvatore|TVD|2Where stories live. Discover now