By The Light Of The Moon~2

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Mystic Grill
Damon is still at the bar with Jules. Jules is stirring her drink with a stirrer.
Damon:"There's a B&B down the road and there's a motel on I-90 but you know, if you ask me, it's kind of a mistake."
Jules:"No, it's fine. I'm just here for the night. It's a long story, I'm looking for my friend."
Jules:"Mason Lockwood."
Damon:"I know Mason!"
Jules:"You do?"
Damon:"Yeah. He's a great guy."
Jules:"He's missing."
Damon:"What do you mean? Like...I mean, missing missing?"
Jules:"How do you know Mason?"
Damon:"My girlfriend's aunt is friends with him."
She doesn't drink her drink. Damon looks at Alaric.
Lockwood Cellar
A bright full moon can be seen in the sky. Tyler is shirtless, and he has chains wrapped around each wrist and ankle, as well as a chain looped around his neck, all attached to the walls of the underground cave.
Tyler:"What time is it?"
Elena:"Almost eight. What time does the moon crest or whatever?"
Tyler:"Not for a while. Mason's journal said the first transformation can happen before the moon hits its apex."
Elena:"Does it say how long you'll actually be a wolf?"
Tyler:"A few hours. Maybe more, maybe less."
He tries to sit down next to her but he can't because of the chains. He takes the bottle with the wolfsbane.
Elena:"Are you sure you want to do that?"
Tyler:"Yeah. Mason said it'll diminish my strength so I can't break free."
He starts to drink.
He drinks a few swallows, but he begins to choke and then starts to gag, vomiting on the ground. He falls to his knees as he coughs. She gets closer to him and touches his back.
Tyler:"Don't! Don't!"
They look at each other.
Tyler:"I'm sorry."
She runs a hand over his head.
Gilbert Residence
Elijah and I were in my room.
Elijah:"Forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm."
Nevaeh:"Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?"
Elijah:"Because I didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is one of the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelgänger exists, there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that."
Nevaeh:"Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?"
Elijah:"Let's just say that my goal is not to break the curse."
Nevaeh:"So, what is your goal?"
Elijah:"Klaus' obsession has made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle."
Nevaeh:"Like you?"
Elijah:"Not anymore."
Nevaeh:"You don't know where he is, do you? So you're trying to use me and Damon to draw him out."
Elijah:"Well, to do that I need you to stay out and stop trying to get yourself killed."
Nevaeh:"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
Elijah:"If I wasn't being truthful, all your family would be dead and I'd be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead, I'm here and I'm prepared to offer you a deal."
Nevaeh:"What kind of deal?"
Elijah:"Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting and then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw out Klaus together and I shall make sure your friends remain unharmed."
Nevaeh:"And then what?"
Elijah:"Then I kill him."
Nevaeh:"Just like that?"
Elijah:"Just like that. I'm a man of my word, Nevaeh. I make a deal, I keep a deal."
Nevaeh:"How are you going to be able to keep everybody safe?"
Elijah:"I notice you have a friend: Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts."
Nevaeh:"You know witches."
Elijah:"Together, we can protect everybody that matters to you. So, do we have a deal?"
Nevaeh:"I need you to do one more thing for me."
Elijah:"We're negotiating now?"
Nevaeh:"You said that you'll protect the ones that matters to me. So, yes, I'm negotiating with you." I crossed my hands over my chest.
Bonnie and Luka are on the rooftop in the town. Bonnie is lighting candles. Luka is looking at a grimoire.
Luka:"You know, this is good. This is really good. There's a clear view of the moon and it's private."
Bonnie:"If anyone looks out, they're gonna think we're insane."
Luka:"Are we? So what is this mysterious talisman we're unbinding?"
She shows him the moonstone. He takes it.
Luka:"Oh, wow, a white rock. This is fascinating."
Bonnie:"Hey! I know it doesn't look like much..."
Luka:"What's it spelled to?"
She doesn't say anything.
Luka:"Really? Help a girl out, she still keeps secrets."
Luka:"I'm just teasing you."
He puts the stone in her hands and holds it. They close their eyes and casts the spell. The stone rises up and explodes in a shower of sparks. They both smile and laugh in wonder as sparks rain down around them.
Lockwood Cellar
Tyler is writhing in pain. He tries to remove the chains, but Elena is there, trying to comfort him.
Elena:"Hey. Tyler. Tyler."
He cries.
Tyler:"I'm burning up. It burns!"
Elena:"I know. Just breathe thought this, okay?"
Tyler:"I'm trying. You should go. You should leave."
Elena:"Not yet."
He screams. His bones are breaking. Elena screams too. He cries.
Tyler:"It hurts. It hurts."
Mystic Grill
Damon is still at the bar with Jules.
Damon:"You know, listen, I'm really tight with the sheriff. If there's anything I can do to help locate Mason, I will. He's a great guy, and after his brother's funeral, he stuck around and helped his nephew and..."
Damon:"Yep. Mason was with him the whole time. Helping him through all that grief." Beat. "You haven't touched your drink."
Jules:"You know, I'm not much of a drinker. I should get going."
Damon:"Oh, come on. Look, one drink."
Jules:"It'll help me sleep."
Damon:"To sleep."
She sniffs the glass and sets it back on the bar.
Jules:"You fool. You think you're clever, don't you?"
Damon:"What do you want with Mason Lockwood?"
Jules:"He's my friend."
Damon:"Well, I'm sorry to inform you but you probably won't find him."
Jules:"And why not?"
Damon:"You should leave town."
Jules:"You're threatening me? On a full moon? How stupid are you?"
Alaric arrives,"Damon, how about that second round?"
Damon:"I think we're done Ric." He looks at Jules. "You think I'm afraid of you."
Jules:"No, I don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment you entered this bar, along with your pathetic wolfsbane. I've been at this for a long time, and any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed, but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. You've been marked."
She leaves. Damon looks at Alaric.
Lockwood Cellar
Tyler is in the floor. Elena is next to him. She's looking at him.
Elena:"I want to help but I don't know what to do."
Tyler:"There's nothing you can do."
He gets up. His bones and his spine are breaking. He screams. Elena cries.
Tyler:"Get out!"
Tyler:"Get out! I don't want to hurt you!"
Elena:"No. No!"
She gets closer to him. She embraces him.
Mystic Grill
Damon and Alaric leave the grill.
Damon:"Where is she?"
Alaric:"Just let it go, Damon. Don't be stupid."
Damon:"So what? Just let her get away? "You've been marked". What the hell kind of wolf throw down crap is that anyway?"
Alaric:"Damon, look up! Just look up."
He looks up at the sky and sees a full moon.
Alaric:"If this werewolf stuff is true, one bite and you're dead. One bite! Alright? Don't risk it. Just go home. Lock your doors and we'll deal with it in the morning."
Damon nods,"Yeah."
He leaves.
Lockwood Cellar
Tyler is still on the floor, laying quietly. His eyes are closed. Elena is with him. She's still holding him.
Elena: "It's okay. You'll fight through it, okay?"
Tyler's limbs spasm, and more bones break. He screams in pain and Elena tries to soothe him.
Tyler: "Leave!"
Elena: "No."
Tyler: "Just go, please!"
Elena: "No, not yet."
Tyler: "Just go!"
Elena: "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
Suddenly he screams. His bones continue breaking. His eyes are yellow and his fangs are out. She leaves him. He gets up and looks everywhere around him. She closes the gate. Tyler rushes over to her. He removes one of his chains. She leaves as she sobs. Tyler screams. Elena is still behind the door. She's crying. Tyler's transformation is over. He's a wolf. Elena gets up when she doesn't hear anything, but suddenly Tyler tries to break the door. She knows the door won't hold so she props a wooden plank against it and vamp-runs into the woods, still crying.
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon arrives at the house. He locks the door. He goes in the library and he sees Rose.
Damon:"You just can't stay away, can you?"
Rose:"You don't answer your phone."
Damon:"What do you want?"
Rose:"I want to apologize."
Damon:"Just admit it, you don't have anywhere else to go."
Rose:"I'm sorry about Nevaeh. I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't know that she had a death wish but I called you, I tried to make it right, okay? I'm sorry, Damon. And I have nowhere else to go."
Damon:"There's nothing here for you, Rose."
Rose:"Well, then..."
They hear something like breaking glass from another part of the house. They go in the living room to investigate. The window shatters as a wolf lunges into the living room. Damon grabs a sword hanging on the wall and swings it out. Rose pushes Damon out of the way; the wolf jumps on her, pushing her on her back on the floor, and chomps on her shoulder. Damon stabs the wolf with the sword, and the wolf flees the way it came.
Damon:"How bad is it?"
Rose:"It hurts."
Damon watches the bite heal,"It's healing."
Rose:"Oh my god, I thought a werewolf bite was fatal! I thought..."
She begins to cry, and Damon embraces her.
Damon:"You're gonna be okay."
Martin's Residence
Luka arrives. Jonas is reading a book in an armchair.
Jonas:"You were successful?"
Luka:"Of course I was. She fell for the and didn't suspect a thing."
He places the moonstone on the desk instead of directly to Jonas. Jonas takes it.
Jonas:"Thank you, Luka."
Luka:"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to sleep."
Jonas:"Wait. There's one more thing Elijah needs us to do before we lose the full moon."
Fell's Church Tomb
Isabela:"Are we seriously not going to talk about it at all?"
Stefan:"We could talk about how you regret all you've done to make my life miserable."
Isabela:"What do you want me to say, Stefan? That I'm sorry for everything that I've done? Well I'm not, okay? It's called self-preservation. I've been looking out for myself for 500 years."
Stefan:"Look where that gotten you."
Isabela:"Yes, I've done terrible things. I know that, but I do love you Stefan. Even if you don't believe it."
Stefan:"You want me to believe you? Show me. Do something. Prove to me that there's something inside of you that's actually worth trusting."
Isabela:"And then what? You're still gonna hate me."
Stefan:"Maybe and maybe I'll see that there's still hope for you after all."
Isabela:"You're playing me."
Stefan:"Am I?"
Isabela:"You want to find Klaus? Kill him so that you can protect your precious Nevaeh?"
Stefan:"Let me guess: you know where he is."
Isabela:"No, I don't, but I could help you find him."
Stefan:"For a price I'm sure."
Isabela:"Start with Amelia, Nevaeh's birth mother. She was a research expert. She found me."
They look at each other.
Isabela:"You're welcome."
They hear that the door is being opened. They look at each other and go to the entrance. They see Elijah. Isabela is surprised and frightened.
Elijah:"Good evening Isabela. Thank you for having a good sense to be frightened." He looks at Stefan. "Your released have been requested."
Stefan:"What? By who?"
Elijah:"The lovely Nevaeh drives a hard bargain. However, we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I. Please."
He gestures for Stefan to walk out of the tomb.
Stefan:"I can't."
Elijah:"Yes, you can. I've had the spell lifted."
Stefan walks out of the tomb slowly. Once he's out, Isabela rushes to get out too, but still finds the invisible barrier there. Elijah compels her.
Elijah:"As for you however, you should not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are."
He looks at Stefan.
Elijah:"You're free to go. Nevaeh will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, I'll keep mine." He leaves.
Isabela:"Stefan, no. Please don't let him leave me in here."
Stefan:"Goodbye Isabela."
He looks at her and leaves.
Elena is alone. She finally goes into the old Lockwood property to see if Tyler is back to being human. She goes into the cellar. Tyler is human again and he's laying on the floor, naked.
She rushes over to him and puts a jacket over him.
Elena:"You're okay. You made it. You didn't get out. You okay."
Tyler cries,"No, I'm not."
Elena embraces him.
Gilbert Residence
I was in my bedroom.I looked out my window I saw Stefan's reflection. I turned around and saw Stefan standing in the doorway.
Stefan:"Nevaeh? Hey."
I ran towards him and hugs him. We kiss.
We kiss more, and he lays me on the bed.
Salvatore Boarding House
Damon is sitting on the couch, and Rose joins in on the other couch.
Damon:"I talked to Elena. She said that Tyler was all locked up."
Rose:"So it was Jules. The other werewolf, the one who attacked you."
Damon:"Yeah. I'm sorry. I picked a fight with her. She was coming after me."
Rose:"All's well that ends well."
Damon:"You're all healed?"
Rose:"Yeah. Seems that way."
Damon:"Rose...uh...I'm happy that the legend was fake. Maybe the werewolves made it up to keep the vampires away."
Rose:"Lucky me."
He walks his fingers up her thigh.
Rose:"I'm gonna stay and help you."
Damon:"Help me do what?"
Rose:"Save Nevaeh. Protect Nevaeh, all things Nevaeh."
Damon:"Really? Why?"
Rose:"Because I like you. I believe in our friendship. I happen to have a vacancy in that department, and you can use all the friends you can get."
Damon:"Just friends."
Rose:"Just friends."
She gets up but he quickly pulls her over and kisses her.
Damon:"Are you sure you can do that?"
Rose:"I don't love men who love other women. I think more of myself than that, but that doesn't mean I can't be your special friend."
They laugh.
Damon:"I think I like you."
They kiss. Damon embraces her and rubs his hands over her back.
He lifts her jacket off her shoulder and looks at it. There are open sores and blister where she was bitten, and the veins and arteries in the area look blackened and diseased. They look at each other.

 They look at each other

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