Know Thy Enemy~1

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Gilbert Residence
Amelia was at the door, she was looking at me, and Jenna was shocked.
Jenna:"b-birth mother?"
Amelia:"hello, Nevaeh. It's nice to see you again."
Jenna looks at me,"again?"
I didn't say anything, I was just in shocked that Amelia was standing at our front door.
Amelia:"so you're the woman who's dating my ex-husband. I need to speak to Nevaeh. May I come in?"
I snapped out of it,"no, no, not right now."
Amelia:"I need to talk to you, Nevaeh. It's important."
Nevaeh:"not right now. Please Amelia."
Amelia:"okay, I'll come back later." She walked off the front porch.
I closed the front door and looks at Jenna, who's crying.
Jenna:"you knew she was alive? Ric? John? Did they know?"
Nevaeh:"I was going to tell you, but I can explain everything to you now, Jenna."
Nevaeh:"no. Jenna, please."
Jenna runs upstairs. I went after her.
Nevaeh:"Jenna, please. Wait. Jenna, please wait."
Jenna goes into her bedroom and slams the door. I was outside the door.
Nevaeh:"Jenna, you have to talk to me. I...I need to explain what's going on. Jenna, please."
Jenna is sitting on the floor, crying.
Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan and Damon are going down the stairs.
Stefan:"Amelia just showed up at their front doorstep."
Damon:"what's she doing here?"
Stefan:"I don't know. That's what I'm gonna find out."
Isabela joins them,"I don't think that you should tell her that I'm here."
Stefan:"what? Why?"
Isabela:"it's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb."
Damon:"you're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John that almost got me killed."
Isabela:"I did what I had to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance."
She turns around but Stefan interrupts her.
Stefan:"what do you know?"
Isabela:"I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team you. Besides, if you two ever need me to swap places with Nevaeh again, the less people know that I'm here, the better. Think about it, Stefan. Come on. Be smart."
Stefan:"tell you what. Why don't you, Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep."
He looks at them and leaves. Isabela and Damon look at each other.
Gilbert Residence

I walked downstairs to open the door for Alaric

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I walked downstairs to open the door for Alaric.
Alaric:"hey. Is she up yet?"
Nevaeh:"she won't come out of her room."
Alaric:"what'd you tell her?"
Nevaeh:"nothing. She won't talk to me."
Alaric:"we're gonna have to fix this, Nevaeh."
Jenna cones down the stairs.
Jenna:"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go."
Alaric:"okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now."
Jenna:"rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it."
She puts on her jacket and takes her bag.
Nevaeh:"where are you going?"
Jenna:"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house."
Alaric:"Jenna, please just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on."
Jenna:"Nevaeh, I need you to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the Historical Society's check for your mom's foundation."
Nevaeh:"okay, but, Jenna, please just..."
Jenna:"I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you."
She leaves and closes the door.
Nevaeh:"Jenna, just..."
John comes out of the kitchen,"let her go. It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning this..."
Alaric punches him in the face,"sorry, Nevaeh."
He leaves. I looked at John, and smiles.
Nevaeh:"you know this is your fault, right?"
I headed upstairs to my room.
Forbes Residence
Elena leaves the house and goes to her car. She's on the phone with Stefan talking about Jace.
Elena:"I can't find him anywhere. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone."
Stefan:"how could you let him go?"
Elena:"my aunt walked in. He took off. I didn't know what to do."
Stefan:"did your aunt hear anything?"
Elena:"no. She just thinks we're fighting but he knows about me, and he's freaking out about Vicki."
Stefan:"all right. Listen. You have to find him. You have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to. Is he still on vervain?"
Elena:"I slip it into his soda when he's at work, but I didn't get to last night, so it's out of his system. He has a catering shift at the Lockwood's today. I'm gonna try there."
She hangs up. She presses a button on her steering wheel and talks to the in-car computer.
Elena:"call Jace."
Computer:"calling Jace."
Jace on the answer machine,"you've reached Jace. Leave a message."
She doesn't leave a message and instead drives off.
Gilbert Residence
Stefan and I are in my bedroom.
Nevaeh:"Ah, this is bad. Between Amelia and Jenna and now Jace, this is disaster bad."
John walks in,"Nevaeh, can you come downstairs, please? I need to talk to you."
Nevaeh:"heh. I have nothing to say to you."
John:"please. It's important. You, too, Stefan."
We go downstairs, and me and Stefan see Amelia in the kitchen.
Amelia:"I asked John for a do-over."
I looked at John,"you invited her in?"
John:"she has information about Klaus. Please, just listen to her, okay?"
I looked at Stefan.
Stefan:"all right. What do you know?"
John, Amelia, Stefan, and I are in the kitchen.
Amelia:"since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus. We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you."
Stefan:"best chance of what?"
John:"keeping Nevaeh alive."
Nevaeh:"you don't get to talk, okay, not after everything you've done."
Stefan:"were you able to find Klaus?"
Amelia:"no. Nobody knows where he is but there are these rumors that are flying around. That a doppelgänger exists."
John:"which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus with be lining up to capture you."
Nevaeh:"I'm not buying any of this."
I looked at Amelia.
Nevaeh:"the last time that you were here, you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe that you want to help?"
John:"Amelia's been helping all along. Klaus has been obsessed with finding Isabela for centuries. All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Isabela was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls, where you were bound to be discovered, so we killed them."
Nevaeh:"and almost killed Stefan and Damon in the process."
Amelia gets up and moves towards me,"I have a safe house that I can take you to. The deed is in your name. No vampires can get in without your permission, but even me. Let me help you."
Nevaeh:"you want to help me? Then get the hell out of my house."
Martin Residence
Damon opens the door. Bonnie and Jeremy are with him. He checks and finds he can step over the threshold.
Damon:"yep. Everyone's dead."
Damon enters the apartment. Luka's corpse is in the living room.
Bonnie:"we should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe."
Damon looks at Luka's corpse,"you know, we could just get another match and cremate him."
Bonnie:"don't be disrespectful...not to him."
Damon:"fine. I'll bury him."
Jeremy:"what exactly are we looking for?"
Bonnie:"according to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that'll let me harness the energy that's left behind when a witch dies violently."
Damon:"I didn't know you and father witch were so close."
Bonnie:"we weren't but when he gave me my powers back, he gave be a message. If I find the spot in town, where the old Salem witches were burned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it."
Damon:"great. We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient dead-witch power."
Bonnie:"you know where the witches were burned?"
Damon:"did I forget to mention that?"
Jeremy is reading one of the grimoires,"are we gonna have to read through every one of these books till we find the right spell?"
Bonnie:"not exactly."
She looks at the shelf, closes her eyes and raises her hands. All of the books fall and one of them opens right in front of her. She takes it.
Bonnie:"it's this one."
Damon:"great. Grab the rest. Let's go."
Amelia's Residence
Amelia and her male minion enter the house. She takes a bottle of "wine" from the bag.
Amelia:"merci, mon Cherie."
She senses that someone's there. She rushes over to the person and pushes her against the wall. It's Isabela. Isabela pushes her against a wall by her throat.
Isabela:"nice house."
Amelia:"nicest foreclosure in town."
Isabela removes her hand and smiles. Amelia laughs.
Amelia:"come here."
They embrace each other.
Amelia:"it's good to see you, Isabela."
Isabela:"I hear you've been busy."
Amelia:"yes, I have. I've been busy making a deal with Klaus to save your life."
Amelia gives the bottle of wine to Isabela and is carrying two big wine glasses.
Amelia:"here. A vintner I knew in Avignon."
Isabela pulls out the cork with her fingers, puts a finger in it and tastes it.
Isabela:"he's tasty."
They are in the living room. Isabela pours blood from the bottle into the wine glasses.
Isabela:"so what was with the surprise visit to the Gilbert house?"
Amelia:"John told me Ric was dating auntie vanilla. I got a little jealous."
Isabela:"you have obviously got John wrapped around your finger if he invited you in the house."
Amelia:"he thinks I'm helping him protect Nevaeh, so he's been very useful in keeping me informed on everything that's been going on."
Isabela:"so tell me what you know."
Amelia:"you were right. I couldn't get anywhere near Klaus, but I found my way to someone in his trusted circle. One of his witches."
Isabela:"Klaus and his witches." She took a sip of her wine.
Amelia:"he said that Klaus is willing to grant you your freedom if we deliver the moonstone and the doppelgänger."
Isabela:"I can get the moonstone."
Amelia:"you know Isabela, you'd be betraying your Salvatore boys again."
Isabela:"I was more than willing to play it their way if I had to, but they're floundering. Their witch has lost her powers, and they've used their only weapon to kill Elijah. If I stick with them, I'm dead. You showing up changes everything."
They raise their glass and drink.
Salvatore Boarding House
Me, Stefan, and Damon are all in the library.
Nevaeh:"do you really think that Amelia is telling the truth that word's gotten out about the doppelgänger?"
Stefan:"look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning."
Damon:"you know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you."
Stefan:"what, in the house that any vampire can enter? No. Her house is safer."
Damon:"well, then we'll stay there."
Nevaeh:"so is that the plan? Neither of you will let me out of your sight again?"
Damon:"let me know when you come up with a better one."
Nevaeh:"fine. Then one of you two bodyguards is gonna have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon." I stared at Damon, and looked away.
Stefan:"that'll be me."
Damon:"not me. I have witch stuff to attend to with Bonnie."
Nevaeh:"does that mean that you're taking her to the..."
Damon puts his finger to his mouth as he said that. Isabela walks in.
Isabela:"don't get quiet on my account, if you have a plan to combat the impending vampire doom, please do tell."
We don't answer her. Damon looks at Stefan.
Isabela:"seriously, what is the plan to get us out of this mess, hmm? I delivered you a moonstone, a werewolf, and the dagger to lure and kill Klaus, and right now all you have is a moonstone. Or so you tell me."
Damon:"no, we have it."
Isabela:"where is it?"
Damon:"it's in a very safe place."
Isabela:"I've been honest with you. Time to return the favor."
Damon:"let me be honest with you. Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust."
I looked at her and smiled.
Isabela:"fine. Be that way." She leaves.
Lockwood Mansion

Carol is talking to Aunt Liz

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Carol is talking to Aunt Liz.
Sheriff Forbes:"the marshal hasn't been able to figure out what caused the fire at the scene, but he did find blood. No body, just blood."
Carol:"you think vampires were involved?"
Sheriff Forbes:"I'm starting to assume the answer to that is always a yes."
Elena interrupts them,"Mrs. Lockwood, uh, have you seen Jace? I thought he was working a catering shift at today's luncheon."
Carol:"no, I haven't, honey. Sorry. But if you see him, could you ask if he's heard from Tyler?"
Elena:"yeah, of course. Um, still no word from him?"
Carol:"no. The note he left said he needed time to figure some things out, but I wish I knew where he was."
Elena sees Stefan and I,"um, excuse me."
She walks over to me and Stefan.
Stefan:"hey. Any luck finding Jace?"
Elena:"none. What if he tells somebody? What if he tells everybody?"
Stefan:"no, we just gotta find him and make sure that doesn't happen." He looks at me,"do you have any idea where he might be?"
Nevaeh:"I wish I did, but he wasn't really one to run."
Elena:"you know, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. You know, I was supposed to tell him at the right moment in the right way, and he was supposed to be okay with it because he loves me."
Nevaeh:"we'll help you find him. I just have to accept this thing for Jenna."
Elena:"all right. Well, call me when you're done, and I'll be out looking for him." She leaves.
Stefan:"maybe he'll come around. You did."

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