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"Dubai, it's Vincenzo

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"Dubai, it's Vincenzo. He has Elena and DJ."


"And that my friends is his how we give Tamayo a mini aneurysm," joked Dubai causing the others to laugh as they completed Plan Alcatraz.

Just as Dubai was about to leave the room, Denver walked alongside her.

"We've got a little issue with Tokyo," Denver whispered to Dubai.

Dubai furrowed her brows and she asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Rio broke up with her and she stole a bottle of your booze. She's been lashing out, she tried going into the vault intoxicate, and she even tried throwing herself onto me," explained Denver

Dubai sighed as she nodded her head. "I'll take care of it."

Dubai then went off to look for Tokyo. Eventually she found her dancing drunkenly by one of the empty hallways.

"Tokyo," Dubai called out, catching Tokyo's attention.

Tokyo turned around and grinned. "Dubai! Come join me!"

Dubai quickly swiped the bottle of alcohol from Tokyo's hands.

"Give it back," slurred Tokyo.

Dubai ignored Tokyo's demand.

"Sit your ass down," instructed Dubai pointing to the bench near them.

Dubai simply sat down on the bench and placed the bottle of alcohol on the floor by her feet. Dubai gestured to the spot beside her to Tokyo. Tokyo groaned but plopped down beside her.

"I take it that you've never been dumped?" chuckled Dubai.

Tokyo shook her head. She tried reaching for the alcohol but Dubai lightly pushed her away from it causing Tokyo to get enraged.

""You are a fucking hypocrite, Dubai! You get to be high and wasted any chance you get but the one time I do it, I get treated like a child?!" yelled Tokyo.

"To be fair, I'm not throwing myself onto married men who's best friends with my ex. Nor am I trying to go snorkelling in a high pressured vault while intoxicated and dancing in the hallways like we don't have the whole country's authorities hot on our asses," Dubai pointed out.

"If you're here to lecture me, forget it. I don't want to hear your shit," Tokyo said bitterly.

"You wanna know why I've always been hard on you. Why I always pick on you and your mistakes more than others?" asked Dubai, remaining her calm.

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