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(Jensen Ackles as The "Ghost")

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(Jensen Ackles as The "Ghost")

"If Vincenzo didn't do what he did, you would've never met Andrés and have the family that you have right now."


"Tamayo, Sierra, it seems like Christmas is gonna come early for both of you this year. I got a special gift wrapped for you in a special box," Vincenzo smirked as Tamayo and Sierra answered his video call.

"And there were no complications?" Tamayo questioned hesitantly.

"Couldn't have went any better," Vincenzo said ironically.

"I wanna see the body," Alicia demanded.

Vincenzo took the phone and simply showed them the fake sight of Dubai's 'dead' body laying inside a dark red casket. "Merry Christmas."

With the help of Dr Baumann and the money Dubai has been funding her for the past few years, they were able to make Dubai appear pale and dead. Dr. Baumann was able to create the most advanced and inconspicuous face prosthetics for Dubai to wear, which was identical to her face but with a bullet wound on her forehead. Additionally, Baumann had constructed a drug which enables for Dubai's vital signs to temporarily drop low enough for any monitors to be able to detect them.

Tamayo's face lit up like a Christmas tree. But Alicia on the other hand being way smarter than Tamayo, had a weird feeling about the whole situation. She just couldn't tell what it was, just yet.

Vincenzo switched the camera back to focus on his face. "Now, I understand that I managed to succeed in my end of the bargain. I did your dirty work for you and eliminated the biggest threat you had inside that Bank. Now it's time for you to follow with your end of the bargain and let me live the very limited time I have left as a free man."

"Yes we can do that for you," lied Tamayo, to which Vincenzo was quick to recognize.

"We want the body," interrupted Alicia.

"Of course, Inspector. But a word of advice, if you really want to fuck with those who are left in the Bank, deliver Carina's corpse right on their doorsteps. I guarantee, one by one, they'll follow in her footsteps," suggested Vincenzo.

Vincenzo smirked slyly as he noticed Tamayo and Alicia share a look of agreement.

"Bring us the body and we'll discuss it."

Vincenzo hung up. He then took out his other phone to call Berlin.

"Andrés, get ready. Carina is on the way."

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