e i g h t e e n : [ calm before the storm ]

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"That's what proper sex sounds like from a woman who's enjoying it, Arturo

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"That's what proper sex sounds like from a woman who's enjoying it, Arturo. Maybe you should take some notes."


Dubai joined Moscow who was doing his job with digging the tunnel that they intended to leave through. Moscow was the only person, other than Nairobi, who Dubai trusted the most. She wasn't in the mood to face either Berlin or Kingston but at the same time she didn't want to be alone with her own thoughts. But she didn't regret the things she's said and done earlier, even if it meant losing both Berlin and Kingston. As painful as it was to follow through, Dubai felt a huge weight being lifted from her chest.

Dubai and Moscow hummed along the familiar song that was playing from old radio, Bella Ciao. An Italian song that Sergio taught Dubai from the first time they ever worked together. Dubai, Berlin, and the Professor always sang that same song to remind them that they were the 'Resistance'. It was that same song that the Professor then taught the whole team.


Dubai who was busy sketching, looked up from her work of art, and looked at Moscow who's face was plastered with joy and excitement. Dubai got up and rushed over to him. She crouched down and grabbed a handful of soil.

"What's the matter?"

Tokyo and Helsinki rushed inside the vault. For the first time in a while, Dubai had a genuine smile on her face.

"We have it!" Dubai said excitedly as she showed the soil in her hands to Tokyo and Helsinki.

The four of them celebrated as they laughed together and hugged one another. Out of nowhere, Berlin appeared at the door. His eyes fell on Dubai but Dubai quickly diverted her attention to Helsinki.

Berlin plastered on a smile as he didn't have to realize what they were all celebrating about. He started to sing along with his deep alluring voice as he examined the soil himself.

Dubai caught herself stealing glances at Berlin. She'd be lying to say she wanted nothing more than to hug him and celebrate with him, just like old times.

Denver decided to join the party. "What's all this celebrating you're doing here? What's the matter?"

They had all gestured over to the hole in the ground. Right there and then, Denver knew what this meant. He started singing with his father. Out of excitement, Denver hugged Dubai and spun her around causing Dubai to laugh lightly.

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