chapter 15

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he turned to him. No smile either. "Nothing."

"Come on. I read somewhere that the brain is incapable of not thinking about something. There has to be something on your mind."

"I'm wondering when the bubble will burst."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, this can't be real. I'm no princess, and this is no fairy tale. I feel I'm going to wake up one morning, be back in my small house with nothing to offer the world other than my time," she said.

"That's really sad for someone who is only twenty-one."

"How do you know my age?"

"You work for me, Violet. I know everything about you."

She stared at him. He detected the panic in her eyes, which was fleeting, but he noticed it.

"Shouldn't you be making advances to someone your own age?" she asked. For the first time, he saw the fire. The need to survive. The man in him stood up and took notice. She was young, naive, and to a point, uncultured. But she had a fight. Demon respected her more for standing up to him.

"Do you find my advances repulsive? Or just my age?" he asked.

Violet stared at him, her gaze moving up and down his body. He laughed at how joyous he found the moment. Then stopped as he realized there hadn't been many incidents in her life for her to let go. To be a woman. To know someone would catch her when she fell. To know someone would always be there for her as a lover but also as a friend.

This was the possessive feeling his father talked about. They need to be with her no matter what. As long as he could spend time with her, and hold her, he would be happy. Nothing else mattered in life other than the rare moments of bliss, two people shared together.

"I don't find you repulsive," she said.

"What about my age?"

"I don't care about your age either."

"Just my general need to control?" She smiled, the first real smile he'd ever seen her make. "You should do that more often."



She blushed.

"It seems hard to smile," she said after a few moments.


"Because I've never had much to smile about."

Demon didn't question her further. He knew how hard it could be to talk about people.

"What will I be doing today?" she asked.

"You'll be camping out in my office."

"Doing what?"

"I bought you this and took the liberty of filling it with some books." He reached inside his briefcase and pulled out one of the small e-readers that were so popular.

"Why would I need this?"

"Because you weren't well yesterday and I rather like the thought of having you in my office so I can keep an eye on you."

Also, I hate the bastards in the office who check out your ass. You're mine, Violet, and I don't share.

"I can pay you back," she said. Her hands shook on the small device.

"Don't worry about it. I would be offended if you even tried to pay me off. That's yours. I only ever want to see you smiling as you read it."

"Thank you."

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