chapter 16

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A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in," he said.

His second-in-command stood in the doorway.


"We might have got something. We're not sure because it would lead us to a different country," the man said.

"What are you fucking talking about?"

"We believe Valerie Walter's daughter has moved to America, sir. We're going through the scanners now trying to find a match. This picture isn't the best thing to go on. It's a little older, and we don't know for sure how old she might be."

Dominic lost his temper.

"I don't give a damn* how long it takes. Get me some answers, and do it quickly. I want this girl, and when I get my hands on her I'll show everyone, not to fucking mess with me. What's mine stays mine."

He rubbed his hands together just thinking about the pain he would inflict on her. The nameless girl who was causing him trouble.


Tate growled with frustration as every lead came up blank. There was no way he could find any information about the girl that Demon wanted. That could mean only one thing. She was in the country illegally. Pulling the notes he'd phoned through early in the morning, he picked up the phone and dialed Sean.

"Hello?" a female voice answered with a purr.

"Is Sean in?" he asked.

"Give it here, babe. Go and make some coffee. No, don't put any clothes on. You won't need them later."

Tate rolled his eyes as he heard Sean giving out orders. "Sean here."

"Don't you have anything better to do than that?"

"Demon isn't keeping my girl away from me. I'm a free agent until the right woman comes along. What do you want?"

"Demon phoned me this morning with more information about this girl."

"fucking hell. He must really like this girl."

"Yeah." Tate thought about his own girl, Rebecca Black. If he did this, he could finally get a shot with the only woman he'd ever cared about. He remembered the last time he had seen her. She'd been terrified, but he'd known right away what she'd come to mean to him.

"Give me the names and what-not."

"Her mother is dead, and apparently someone by the name of Dominic was mentioned. Also, he said she sounded strange. Had like a British accent or something as she was talking."

"What?" Sean asked sounding alert.

"Her mother is dead, Dominic, and something about a British accent. What's up, Sean?"

"I don't like the sound of this."


"Look, I don't want to start a panic, but I need to get some shit sorted out. Then I'll call you."

"Just give me some information here," Tate said.

"Not yet. I was fine until you mentioned the name, Dominic. Let me talk to my contacts, and I'll speak to you soon." The line cut off. Tate growled and threw the receiver down. He hated being kept in the dark.

Staring at the computer screen of Violet Moore, he wondered what was different about her from so many other women.Demon wouldn't stop in his quest to pursue her, even if this search came up badly.

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