chapter 37

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"Do you think you're something because you've got a posh boyfriend to spread your legs? You're exactly like your mother. A whore who would spread herself for money," Dominic said.

Violet smiled. "Yeah, my mother was a whore, but she fooled you, didn't she?"

He lashed out, the slap turning into a punch. The pain became welcome. The more he hurt her, the more determined she became. Every hit was like a thousand times she could avenge her mother. It was payback time.

"Is that all you got? You don't look threatening to me. You're beating up on a woman tied to a chair." She saw his anger. He raised his fist, but his second-in-command stopped him, whispering something into his ear.

He laughed and crouched down. His hands ran up her exposed legs. She bit down on her teeth to keep herself from crying out. "Do you think I'll break you? I can hit you until you can't get up. No. I think I've got a more fitting punishment for you."

Slapping her face, he went to walk away.

"She even fooled you at the end," she said. No matter how many times he threatened her, Violet was determined to fight to the bitter end.

"What are you saying?"

Smiling, Violet stared him in the eye. Her face ached. "You didn't get the chance to destroy her. She took her own life when she was ready to. You're nothing, Dominic Green, and you'll rot in hell."

"What makes you think I'll rot in hell?"

"Demon Ashwood doesn't give up. He'll find me, and when he does, you better enjoy your balls while you can because he'll rip them off and feed them to the dogs."

He walked back to her, taking a fistful of her hair, and pulling her head back.

"And what makes you think he cares for a two-bit whore's daughter?"

"Because I'm him," she spat at him.

Dominic grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Not for much longer. When I get back I'm going to see how much he's broken that in. I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't remember anyone else name." He pinched her nipple which made her cry out, tears falling from her eyes. "I'm going to leave you wishing you were dead," he whispered before pulling away.

"I've got some business to attend to. I'll be back in a few hours. Keep her tied up but don't fucking touch her. I'm going to be the first to have a piece of her."

Sean watched the men fighting in the center of the room. Blood covered the walls and floor as if it was a fight to the death. Women aligned each wall as several men touched them up before handing over a wad of bills to the men guarding them. He felt sick to his stomach at what he was witnessing.

This was the life most women and young girls ended up in if they ran from home. Running a hand over his face, he tried to clear his head. If Dominic was here then they had a small window of opportunity before he took Violet forever.

"Well, well, well. Sean, isn't it?" Dominic said from behind him. Sean had been too busy trying to hold his revulsion in, he hadn't heard the other man approach.

"What are you doing in the states, Green?" he asked as he turned to observe the other man.

"Old times sake and so many memories. I've got to ask, did you find little Isabella?"

There was the name of his sin. The girl he'd failed to protect.

"Don't you fucking utter her name you piece of shit," Sean said but was held back by one of his bodyguards.

Dominic started laughing. "Always too heavy-handed. Last time I checked her new little owner loved her young body. How old was she again? Twenty? Twenty-one?"

"She was eighteen you sick."

"Five years in this business certainly changes a woman. Especially was as young as her. She's as beautiful as I remember."

His heart stopped. "You've seen her?"

"I don't know. That would be telling."

The desire to lash out and destroy Dominic was strong. The bastard would ***ing die one of these days and Sean wanted to be there when it happened.

Pulling out of the guard's hold, Sean stared at the other man. "You're going down, Green."

"Maybe but not by you."

Dominic walked away. After several moments Sean waited until he was out of sight before he reached for his phone.

"Dominic is on the move. I'm keeping a tab and I'll be there soon."


Demon knew she was in there. Would she still want him after what had happened? If that bastard had touched her, he'd***ing butcher the bastard. No one touched his woman. Staring at the men around him, he knew they were in good hands. They all had a fund on who would off Green. As far as he was concerned there was no way that bastard would leave that room in anything other than a body bag.

They'd called the police as they left. Tate would pull up the rear with the cops. He was to stay back until they gave him a clear shot to grab Violet. The location had surprised him. He thought an abandoned warehouse would be the type of building Dominic would go for. Instead, they were waiting outside a deserted club. The place had a sign for refurbishment. Sean pulled up about ten minutes after Dominic. He'd parked as far away as possible to try and not alert the men that they had visitors.

"Are you alright?" Demon asked.

"Yes. I just want to catch this fucker for the last time."

Sean waited by his side. "Why would he come here?"

"This is one of his hot spots. Lots of girls have been taken from here. We're trying to keep the place closed down, but Dominic has a lot of cash."

Demon had more money. He'd make sure after all this was over he'd be finding someone to help girls in a similar or the same situation as Violet.

"This is it," Sean said as one of the men gave a signal.

What happened next Demon wouldn't ever recall. Shouting and shots from the gun sounded out followed by the smoke. Sean pulled him along but made sure he stayed behind him. He heard the sound of the approaching police alarms. The sound made him feel relief as he knew it would be over.

"You can go and get her now," Sean said.

"Is it over?" he asked.

"Only for her."

Demon didn't question him further. He knew there would be more men like Dominic. They were all over the world. The moment he saw her, tied to a chair and with blood covering her face and shirt, Demon lost it. He ran past the men not caring what they said. Violet needed him. She looked so lost and broken. Running into the room, he went to his knees in front of her.

"Violet? Baby? Look at me." He tilted her head up and gasped. Her face was bruised as well as bloodied.

She turned to face him. "Demon?"

"I'm here, baby." Sean moved behind her and cut through the rope with his knife.

"You came for me?"

"I wasn't going to let you go."

She sobbed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I hoped you'd come."

"Wherever you go, I'll follow. You're not getting rid of me that bloody easy. I love you, Violet. You've got me to the end. 'Til death do us part."

He picked her up walking out of the room. Whatever happened to Dominic, he didn't care. He had his girl, and he knew the other men would make sure the bastard was punished for his crimes. There were a couple of ambulances outside. He carried her over to one that held mostly women.

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