2. Lunch

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Loki's POV

As I awakened I could feel a warm form lying next to me in the bed. The haze of sleep still clouded my mind and I could not remember the events of the previous day. I slowly opened my eyes to gaze at the figure lying next to me and was surprised to see the girl.

With my memory fully restored I took this opportunity to get a better look at her. I slowly pushed her brown hair from her shoulder and had to bite back a growl. Her bones protruded from her shoulders, neck and spine. But this wasn't what bothered me. The thing that made me want to shout in rage was the dark handprint bruise around her neck and the open lashes that were littered across her back.

To my surprise, as I lifted my gaze I was met by a pair of beautiful hazel eyes. Though I could certainly still detect the fear radiating from her she did not attempt to escape me.

"I can help with the pain from those lashes, but you are going to have to trust me," I said gently. I saw her look into my eyes with a questioning gaze as if searching for a lie.

I must be going crazier than I originally thought to expect this woman to offer even a hint of trust to me. It is clear she hasn't been able to trust anyone for a long time, let alone a person locked in the cell who has a Godhood in lies.

I looked away from her piercing gaze unable to bare the thought of her being left to suffer due to my reputation. But I was startled when I felt a hand touch my cheek and guide my gaze back to her own.

She looked at me for another moment before giving me a single nod and turning her back to me.

I quickly shook off my bewilderment and began to decide how I should go about the task of healing her. I am not a natural healer so my abilities are rather limited. I quickly realised that to get the best results I would need to have skin-to-skin contact with each of her wounds.

Unfortunately, I think her trust was already being stretched far enough for one day. "I am going to place my hand on the back of your neck to allow me to heal you more. You may feel a tingling sensation as my magic does its work" I told her softly.

After waiting a few seconds for a response I decided to get to work. I gently placed my hand on the back of her neck and watched as the green tendrils of my magic wove their way under her torn clothing to reach the open wounds.

The process was painstakingly slow, but after some time and far more power than I would like to admit, each of her open wounds had been closed and almost completely healed. I withdrew my hand and my magic while trying to hide my heavy breathing. Using that much healing magic had taken far more of my energy than I had expected and I would not allow myself to show weakness.

"I am sorry I couldn't heal you completely, I am not a natural healer and my magic has been greatly limited for the purpose of keeping me in this cell," I told her with disappointment.

She slowly began to move, testing her almost fully healed body. I hoped that I had been able to stop most of the pain, but I was unsure if I had succeeded. That was until she whipped around and threw her arms around my neck drawing me into a tight embrace.

After a few moments, I gently wrapped my arms around her waist and accepted this physical show of thanks.

A few hours later the tall guard appeared carrying my lunch on the tray. However, I quickly noticed that there had been no extra food brought for my new cellmate. When I questioned the guard he told me that Odin refused to waste resources on my 'new pet'.

Luckily due to my status, I wasn't served the slop that most prisoners received. Instead, I was presented with an assortment of meats, sweet breads and fruit as well as a large glass of water.

As I began to rise from the bed in order to collect my tray the girl jumped to her feet and scurried over to where the food was. I assumed that she had decided to help herself to the food so I opened my book and began to read.

I heard her clear her throat from beside me so I pulled my attention away from my book and saw her standing there holding my tray. She softly smiled at my shocked expression and placed it on my lap. She then turned to walk away when I reached out and grabbed her wrist making her freeze.

"Come and join me, you desperately need to eat. It appears to have been a while since you have had a proper meal". She appeared surprised at my words but obediently sat beside me on the bed. However, she did not make a move to take any of the food.

I moved the tray towards her in order to encourage her to begin eating, however, she just continued to stare straight ahead at the barren wall of my cell. With a sigh a popped a grape into my mouth in the hopes that this would encourage her to eat. Unfortunately, this appeared to have no effect on the girl.

"I know that you must be starving, you need to eat or you will die from hunger," I told her firmly. She whimpered and slowly looked up at me. I nodded my head towards the food in a silent gesture for her to help herself.

Slowly she grabbed the smallest of the sweetbreads and brought it to her mouth. After taking a cautious bite she quickly devoured the rest of it. She looked up at me in a questioning manner and I simply nodded my head towards the food again.

After she had devoured the next sweet bread I moved the tray over onto her lap. She looked up at me with surprise and worry.

"Do not fear little one, I am a God and do not need to eat all that they provide me with. Help yourself to the food and water, I shall eat when they bring us dinner".

She hesitated for a moment before diving into the food. I let out a small chuckle and turned my attention back to my book so that she could eat in peace.

After some time had passed I felt a light poke on my arm. Dragging my attention away from my book I looked over at the girl. She gently slid the tray back onto my lap and offered me the barest hint of a smile.

Looking down I saw that she had made me a sandwich with the bread and meats. She had also neglected to eat a handful of the grapes and the apple that had been on my tray. She had even left half of the water for me to drink.

I looked at her in shock, I could not remember the last time that I had been treated with such kindness. "I.. I... Thank you" I managed to stutter out. It was quite a feat for her to have tied my silver tongue. But rather than dwell on it I chose to eat her offering.

In honesty, I was thankful that she had left me with some food. This morning's healing session had left me feeling quite drained and I needed to eat something to improve upon my weakened state.

After I was finished, I rose from my place on the bed and place the tray back by the door. Making my way back to the bed I picked up a book of children's fairytales. Mother thought that they might bring me some joy, however, I was yet to crack the cover of this particular book.

I sat back down on the bed and slowly wrapped my arm around the girl's shoulder pulling her to my chest. She did not resist me and snuggled herself against my body in order to get comfortable. I opened the book and began to read to her until she fell asleep in my arms.

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