16. Secrets

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Ash's POV:

After a while, we both headed to the couch where he read to me some more fables from an Asgardian children's book. This continued late into the evening. We both agreed that we were in no mood for food so retired to bed early.

I waited patiently for him to fall into a deep slumber before slowly slipping from his arms. I cannot trust that no one would check in on us during the night so I silently stood and went to sleep at the foot of the bed on the floor.

It is far from the most comfortable place to reside, but if anyone were to check up on us it would be obvious that he was treating me in a manner befitting his station. I just had to be sure I awoke before him so that he would not notice my absence.

Luckily neither of us had any nightmares and I was able to rise with the sun. It's a good thing that the mischievous god is not a morning person. It was fairly easy to slip back into his embrace without disturbing his slumber.

Shortly after there was a knock at the door. Loki groaned but did not arise so I took the opportunity to answer. I opened the door as quietly as I could and kept my head bowed down.

The guard began to speak "the AllFather will be coming to check in on the two of you at noon. Make sure you are both ready". I silently nodded my head before retreating into the room.

"Who was at the door," Loki asked, his voice deeper than normal sounding barely awake. I found it oddly attractive, but I pushed those thoughts aside.

"It was a guard informing us that Odin will be paying us a visit at noon and that we should both be ready for him". This instantly roused Loki from his sleepy state.

With a flash of magic, he was dressed in his beautiful black and green leather attire. He was about to walk out the door, but I stopped him.

"As much as I adore your true form, I'm not entirely sure you're ready for the rest of Asgard to see it," I said softly with a sad smile.

His eyes widened at the magnitude of his near blunder and quickly cast the illusion over himself again. "I will go grab us some breakfast, why don't you have a relaxing bath. I will be back as soon as I can".

I just nodded and allowed him to leave the room. Once he left I began to panic, I knew I needed to make some changes and fast.

I immediately made the bed and cleared the stack of books by the couch. Once that was finished with that I removed my shirt and dusted every surface possible so that Loki's room was in pristine condition.

I then had the quickest bath possible and washed my hair before tying it back into a neat bun. Though it loathed me to do so, I redressed myself in the dirty clothes that I was wearing yesterday hoping that this would please Odin.

Due to Frigga's healing my bruises from my time in the dungeons had healed. I was thankful for her efforts but I now wished that she hadn't fixed me up so well.

I began to pinch the skin of my arms as hard as I could hoping to make fresh bruises that appeared to be fingerprints. Maybe Loki wouldn't notice the new marks as we will be in such a rush to prepare.

For the time being, I sat back down on the couch and pulled a blanket over myself. Yet another reason to be glad of his newfound joy of feeding me is that I might be able to hide these marks until Odin's appearance.

I would do everything in my power to make Loki look better in front of his father. Even if it isn't what he desires.

Shortly after he appeared back in the room carrying the usual tray of food. He still took the time to feed me even though we were on a much shorter schedule.

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