3. Routine

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Loki's POV

A few days had passed since meeting my new cellmate. We had fallen into a routine of cuddling together each night as we fall asleep. During the day we eat together and I read to her. I have noticed that her eyes don't follow the words as I read to her so am beginning to wonder if she even knows how to read.

I tell her stories from my youth to try and elicit a smile or a laugh, but that doesn't happen often. Anytime that I do succeed I can't help but feel elated at causing her to feel even a hint of happiness.

Her injuries have already healed thanks to my magic and she is starting to look less and less like a walking skeleton. I am thankful for the fact that they provide me with such large meals as they are yet to provide the girl with her own.

I have noticed the guards peering into my cell on occasion to see if she is still alive. Each time they look to be surprised by the fact that she is still amongst the living and is appearing healthier by the day.

I cannot help but feel a little disappointed that Mother has yet to visit me since the girls arrival. I had hoped that she would be proud of me for taking care of the woman, but perhaps she has finally lost faith in me.

That thought made my heart ache. I am used to being a disappointment to all of Asgard, but Mother was the only one who still believed that there was goodness in me. The idea that I had lost that was too much to bare.

Once again I looked at the girl in my arms and asked what her name was. She just gave me a sideways glance of disapproval so I decided to try a new tactic.

"You are right my dear, it is rather impolite of me to ask for your name when I have not told you my own". She raised an eyebrow but paid attention to my words.

"I am Loki, prince of Asgard, God of lies, mischief and stories". I rattled off my titles proudly and gave her an elegant bow to over dramatise my introduction.

As I looked up at the girl I saw her smile brightly for the first time. This caused me to grin widely with pride over the fact that I had finally made her smile.

I watched her as she pulled herself out of bed and began to search the cell. I watched her curiously as she seemed to find what she was looking for.

Walking over to me she presented a handful of dust that had gathered since the last time this cell was cleaned.

"Your name is dust?" I asked with disbelief. She giggled at my response and shook her head. She began to mime something that looked like an explosion and then dropped the dust to the floor.

"Powder?" I guessed hesitantly. Once again she shook her head and giggled. She began to mime again and it finally clicked in my mind.

"Ash" I stated feeling sure of myself.

A wide grin spread across her face as she nodded at me with enthusiasm. I grinned back at her and said "well Ash, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance".

I took her hand and softly kissed her knuckles. She giggled and dipped into a wobbly curtsy that made me laugh.

"So Ash, I really must know, are you unable to speak or are you a mute by choice". I instantly regretted my words as I saw her smile fall. She looked down at the ground and scuffed her shoe as if she was ashamed of her answer.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, either answer is valid in my mind. I am just curious as to why you stay silent". After a moment I decided to guess rather than wait for an answer.

"Since I have heard you giggle and make small noises in your sleep I am going to hazard a guess that being a mute is a choice rather than an affliction that was thrust upon you". She continued to look down but slowly nodded.

I pulled her into a warm embrace to comfort her. After a few moments I felt her relax into my arms and begin to sob yet again.

I scooped her into my arms and carried her back to the bed. After settling us both down comfortably I pulled her into my arms and began to hum a soft tune from memory until she eventually fell asleep.

After a short amount of time I heard Ash begin to whimper and start moving in her sleep. I was frozen to the spot unsure what to do when she began crying out and writhing in my grasp. I tried to wake her gently but she appeared to be trapped in her nightmare.

"Ash!" I shouted as loudly as I could, "please wake up, your safe I promise. Please come back to me!".

I was startled when she bolted upright in the bed with a look of terror contorting her face. After a few moments she turned to look at me and lunged into my arms at an incredible speed. Ash gripped me so tightly I felt as though my ribs might bruise, but I just softly rubbed her back and told her she was safe waiting for her to calm down.

I was so wrapped up in taking care of Ash that I didn't notice someone else enter my cell until they cleared their throat.

"The poor dear, what happened to make her so upset". I instantly recognised Frigga's voice and had to force myself not to leap up from the bed and greet her.

"Mother she had an awful nightmare, I had to shout to get her to wake but I don't think that helped the situation" I said mournfully. I felt Ash tighten her grip around my waist, clearly terrified of the new figure entering our shared space.

"I understand, this poor girl has such an unfortunate past I am surprised that she isn't plagued by nightmares every night. A dungeon is no place for a girl like her, but your Father refused to listen to me. He wanted to have her executed so this was our compromise".

I was shocked by Mothers words, what in Odin's name could this sweet woman have done to have nearly been killed. It must have been something truly terrible, but I cannot picture her harming a fly.

"Mother I have to know, why did you insist upon having her brought to my cell. There must be a few hundred empty ones. Why bring her to me, you all know I am a monster that could kill her in a heartbeat". I looked at Frigga pleading with her to answer me. I had to know the reason behind this peculiar yet admittedly pleasant decision.

"Loki" she spoke firmly making me give her my full attention. "You are no monster, you are my son and I will not stand here and listen to you speak of yourself in such a manner". Her voice was unwavering yet held no animosity towards me.

She paused for a moment before continuing. "I chose to place this girl in your care as I knew that you would keep her safe. You may not have much to offer each other except kindness, but that is the thing that you have both been lacking in your lives for some time now. I had hoped that you would enjoy her company, however, I can have her removed to her own cell by nightfall if that is your desire".

"No!" I exclaimed. I instantly flushed in embarrassment and turned my face to look down at the whimpering girl in my arms. "Ash provides me with pleasant companionship that I would lack if she were to be taken away. I would prefer to keep her by my side for the time being at least. I would however appreciate receiving food for two at meal times. I am attempting to prevent her from wasting away but it is hard to do so without letting myself go hungry".

I stated my wishes for Ash to remain with me in a regal manner to attempt to hide my attachment to her. I did not want to be seen as weak and softhearted.

My act may have worked in-front of most people, but when I saw Mother smile I knew she could see through me.

"Ash is a beautiful name, and I shall see to it that you are both fed adequately from now on. Now I must leave before the guards catch me".

I watched as Mother raised the forcefield, turning to send me a weak smile just before it snapped shut again.

After a few moments I sighed deeply and collapsed back onto the bed making sure to bring Ash down with me. I promptly pulled her to my chest and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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