9. Healing

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Loki's POV

As I began to stir I felt a sharp pain in my head. It took a few moments before I remembered the events of the day. I sat up quickly but immediately regretted it as a wave of nausea washed over me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Ash still laying on the ground where I had left her. I slowly shuffled over to her to check on her injuries. The bleeding had stopped but the wounds were still red and open.

I wanted to heal her more but I knew that my powers were spent. Instead, I gently pulled her head into my lap and began to sing songs that I knew from childhood.

After some time had passed she began to stir. Small whimpers emanated from her lips as she curled into a ball.

I softly ran my hand through her hair and whispered "it's okay little one, it's only me, your safe again". She did not respond to my words and just began to sob.

I was unsure of what to do so I tried to pull her into my arms. She fought me with such ferocity that I wasn't sure I could embrace her without causing her harm.

I managed to get my hands on her shoulders and held her still. "Ash" I called out firmly. She stopped fighting but began to shake violently. She was yet to look at me and I was starting to believe that she had no idea where she was.

"Ash it's okay, it's just me, your Loki remember? Your safe with me I promise, I won't hurt you".

I watched as she shakily rose her head and lifted her eyes to meet mine.

"Loki" she choked out and darted into my arms. I held her gently and kept my arms around her shoulders so that I could avoid causing her more pain.

"Please tell me what happened Ash, why did he do this to you," I asked after some time had passed. I was unsure if she would be willing to talk about it, but after a shaky breath, she began.

"The AllFather allowed me to be put in your cell because he thought you would hurt me. He has now realised that you won't so has decided to do it himself. I expect the guards will be back for me in the morning". She said softly, tears rolling down her soft cheeks.

"They can come but they won't take you, I won't let them, I need Mother, she will put a stop to this". I reached out to my mother using my limited telepathy hoping that she would let me in.

Luckily she did and I sent her an image of what Ash looked like when she returned to my cell. The mind link was instantly broken and all I could do is hope that she got my message and was on her way.

A few minutes later I saw her appear at the cell and let herself in. She looked horrified by the pool of blood on the floor and the state of my Ash.

Her shock soon turned to rage, "Loki tell me what happened to this poor girl" she demanded venomously.

"Odin decided that she wasn't suffering enough in my care so he took it upon himself to rectify the situation. We expect the guards will be back for her at daybreak" I told her. I knew that her anger was not directed at me.

"They will not be back, I will make sure of it. I made it very clear that this girl is not to be hurt under any circumstances." She looked furious and swiftly exited the cell.

"I will have some new clothes sent in the morning," she said softly and gave me a sad smile. I returned it before turning my attention back to the human in my arms.

"Oh and Loki" Mother called out as she was about to walk away. I looked up at her and saw a real smile, "it is truly wonderful to see the real you, my son".

With that, she turned and walked away. Her words filled my heart with joy. No matter what Odin thought of me, mother loved me for who I am.

I decided it was time for us to both get off the floor and get some much-needed rest. I got to my feet without any trouble but Ash could not get steady footing.

"I need you to wrap your arms around my neck little one, I will carry you to the bed". She looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. She slowly complied and I swiftly placed my arm under her thighs and lifted her onto my hip.

Though this may not be the traditional way of holding an adult, she was so petite that it worked quite well. I walked over to the bed and gently placed her down on the mattress.

I lay down on the bed next to her and was surprised to feel her crawling onto my lap. After a moment her lips connected with mine and the world seemed to melt away.

As we pulled apart to breathe she began to shake again. "I'm sorry, I didn't ask you I just assumed. It's just when we kissed before I thought it might mean something, but it's okay if it didn't and it's just a one-time thing."

I chuckled at her nervousness, she can be too adorable sometimes. "It's okay little one, it did mean something. You mean so much to me, if we were free from this cell I would already be attempting to court you. Unfortunately the options in here are rather limited". I grimaced at my words.

I was not a big fan of admitting my feelings, but she needed reassurance. I'm not sure what we could ever be, all I know is that as long as she's with me I don't really care. I will protect her until my dying breath, I know that for certain.

She smiled brightly at me and quickly kissed me again before snuggling into my side so that we could both get some much-needed rest.

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