12. Broken

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Loki's POV:

I must admit that I was shocked when I was dragged out of my cell to see Odin. I was sure that he was going to torture me similar to Ash, but instead, I was given my freedom.

Well, freedom may be a bit of a stretch, I am not allowed off castle grounds and have guards following me everywhere. But at least I am not cramped in that tiny cell anymore.

While being back in my own chambers is nice I must admit that I miss Ash. I wanted to go see her immediately but Odin ordered me to stay out of the dungeon for at least two months.

The days had passed slowly, but today was finally the day that I could go see her. I decided to wear some of my finer clothes as I have not yet had the opportunity to impress her.

I spent far longer than I would like to admit making sure I looked presentable before heading through the castle to reach the dungeons. I could not keep the smile off my face as I neared the cell.

Unfortunately, the sight that greeted me made my heart sink. Ash was curled up on the floor, she has clearly lost all the weight she had gained. Not only that, she was covered in cuts and bruises. She hadn't even been given clothes to wear.

If not for the tiny movement of her rib cage I would think she was dead. "Put me in the cell and fetch the AllMother this instant" I growled at the guards. When they didn't move fast enough I yelled at them and was promptly shoved into the cell.

I fell to my knees beside Ash and gently scooped her into my arms. I felt her tense and whimper, but she did not fight me. I don't think she had the strength left.

"It's going to be alright pet, I've got you, your safe with me, no more pain I promise" I spoke softly. She did not respond or relax in my arms. After a few minutes had passed I heard my Mother gasp.

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes, "I can't leave her again, she is not safe here, I will remain in this cell by her side". Frigga stepped into the cell and did not acknowledge my statement.

I watched her use magic to heal each of Ash's wounds so that all that was left were streaks of blood. Frigga spoke firmly, "neither of you will be staying in this cell. Take her to your chambers at once and keep her safe. I will handle Odin".

I did not hesitate to comply. Holding my girl tight in my arms I quickly walked across the castle to my chambers. I managed to avoid all the nobles and staff so only Mother would know that I have her.

As I began to place her on the bed I heard her whimper and whisper "no more" over and over again. At this point, I come to the realisation that she's unaware that it's me.

"It's okay little one, it's your Loki, I am sorry I was gone for so long. Your safe here with me, I will protect you, I am so sorry" I told her gently.

Slowly I saw her open her eyes and look at me. They instantly fill with tears and she launches herself at me. I quickly wrap my arms around her as she begins to sob into my shoulder.

"I tho..thought I would n..never see you again. I missed y..you so much" she cried. She held onto me so tight as if I would disappear if she let go.

"I am sorry little one, when I was released I was told I couldn't visit the dungeons for two months. I was counting the days until I could see you again. Unfortunately, this is not the reunion I was expecting". She picked up on the anger in my tone and started to shake.

"Hush darling, I would never hurt you, I am just angry that someone dared lay a hand on you," I told her hoping to put her fears to rest. I felt her relax a little as she continued to hold me tightly.

Slowly I pulled myself back from Ash so I could look her in the eyes. "Please tell me what happened love, how did you end up in such a state?" I asked her softly trying not to spook her further.

"Odin came to visit after you were given your freedom. He told me that since you were done with me it was only fair that the guards should get to play" she said as tears streamed down her face. "I tried to fight at first but they stopped feeding me so I just gave up and hoped to die".

I was horrified that Odin had done such a thing, clearly, he was still angry that Mother had said he could not hurt her anymore. I just held her as she wept until she drifted to sleep in my arms.

A few hours had passed when I heard a soft knock on the door and Mother entered. On instinct I pulled Ash further into my arms, not even Frigga could take her from me.

"It's okay my son, I am not here to take her from you. Ash will be confined to your chambers and you will need to care of her" she told me firmly.

I felt the relief wash over me. I love caring for Ash, it made me feel useful and as though I wasn't just a monster. I would be able to do a much better job in my chambers than I could in the cell.

"Thank you Mother, I will make sure she is safe and well cared for," I told her formally. Although I trusted her I knew that I needed to be alone with Ash to feel as though she was safe.

After some time Ash woke again. She seemed confused about where she was until she remembered the events of the day. I watched her turn to me with tears in her eyes.

"Y..you need to take me back to my cell. They will notice I'm gone. I don't want you to get in tr..trouble". I watched her try to hold back the tears but they spilt from her eyes.

"No little one, you will never go back to that cell. You are confined to my chambers for the time being, but I will care for you and keep you safe" I told her gently.

She gave me a watery smile and drifted back to sleep. I laid her comfortably on the bed and pulled her into my arms. I firmly decided that I won't let anyone harm her again.

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