7. Acceptance

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Loki's POV:

As I lay there watching her sleeping peacefully next to me with her head on my chest I became more curious about this girl. What kind of Midguardian could look upon something as hideous as me and call me beautiful?

When I felt her touch me in my true form it was as if I were feeling physical contact for the first time. Maybe the illusion I wear casts a dampener on my sensory abilities. Though I hate the way I look, I do not wish to lose this feeling.

Maybe I should just stay in this form until she wakes, I can raise my illusion once she wakes if that is what she desires. But if she does she will have to vocalise it, I don't want to go back to her silence.

If she desires it, I will help to fix her stutter along with the handprint bruise on her neck. I cannot fix it completely, it will likely still be present at times when she feels strong emotions, but I am guessing it's the reason she refuses to talk.

Every time she stuttered I watched her eyes darken as though she were mad at herself. I am not sure why she hates it so much, I don't mind it at all. However, I will be sure to give her the option when she wakes.

After some time passed I felt her slowly stir in my arms. I watched her lift her eyes to mine and smile brightly, maybe she doesn't mind my true form in the same way I don't mind her stutter.

"Good morning Ash," I say with a smile spreading across my lips. Unfortunately, this falters when I look at her neck. She has a huge black bruise in the shape of my hand encasing her throat that must be incredibly painful.

"Ash your bruise looks so painful, I am truly sorry that I caused you harm".

I watched as she softly touched the bruise and winced slightly. She then looked at me and shrugged as though I had stepped on her foot rather than nearly killing her.

"Before I heal it I need to ask you something. Is your stutter the reason that you refuse to speak?"

Her face fell as she looked down at the bed and began picking at the sheets with her fingers. After a moment she nodded and a single tear rolled down her cheek. I quickly caught the tear and wiped it away.

"I personally don't mind the stutter, but if it bothers you I can suppress it a little while healing your neck. It will still come through when you feel strongly about something, but it will reduce it overall".

I watched her face light up as she lunged at me and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist nodding thoroughly. Her eagerness made me laugh a little and I returned her embrace in earnest.

"Okay, okay, how about you let go of me and we can begin" I chuckled softly. She immediately let go of me and sat up straight with her head back so that her neck was fully exposed.

I took this as an invitation and lay my hand as softly as I could on the bruise. Healing the mark was no issue at all, but suppressing the stutter required me to perform magic on a part of her brain which was tricky and took a while for me to finish.

Once I was satisfied with my work I let out a sigh of relief and removed my hand. "There we are, why don't you give it a try".

She hesitated for a moment before looking me in the eye. "Thank you Loki, thank you so much". I watched tears gather in her eyes so I promptly scooped her into my arms and held her close.

"There is no need to thank me little one, I am just happy to be of assistance," I said softly. Her joy was contagious and I couldn't help but feel a little emotional at her display.

"Ash, I must ask, would you prefer me to raise my illusion again? It is no trouble at all if you do and I understand that you aren't disgusted, but if you prefer my Asgardian form that is absolutely fine".

She looked at me surprised and quickly said "no, please don't change back. I mean I like your Asgardian form, but I think this is better". She began to giggle before adding "not to mention the fact that these cells get quite warm and you lower the temperature to the perfect level".

She grinned at me and I couldn't help but laugh at her words. Before I could think I had placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her softly.

I felt her body go completely rigid and I realised that I had seriously messed up. "Ash I am so sorry, I didn't think...". But she cut me off by softly pressing her lips to mine.

I looked at her feeling astounded by her actions. She has clearly suffered so much abuse and a part of that was sexual. How was she so willing to kiss me after such a short period of time.

"It's okay, please don't apologise, it just took me a moment to remember who you are and that you would never hurt me. Your so different from anyone I have ever met, I feel completely safe around you". She stated this as if it were obvious, but I was completely floored.

"You trust the God of mischief? The God of lies?" I asked her hesitantly, feeling as though once she remembered who I was that she would changed her mind.

"No, I don't trust them at all" she giggled and I felt my heart sink. She gently cupped my cheek and encouraged me to look her in the eyes. "I trust the Loki I know, the one who is kind and compassionate and a fantastic storyteller. The one who holds me when I have nightmares and the one who gives up his food in order to make sure I am taken care of. I trust the man that has shown me nothing but care and love since I was tossed into his cell".

I felt my eyes brim with tears at her words and pulled her closer to my chest. No one had ever made me feel like this and I knew that I would protect her with my life. She was mine to care for and I would make sure that she always was.

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