13. Safe

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Ash's POV:

I woke up on the softest bed I have ever felt. Not only that but I felt someone's arms holding me possessively. As I rolled to look at who the arms belonged to I saw the man who I missed more than anything.

Suddenly the events of yesterday came rushing back and I couldn't help but smile. House arrest will be a breeze with Loki by my side.

A lock of hair had fallen across his pale face and I couldn't resist brushing it back. Before I had even thought about it I kissed his cheek and snuggled into his chest.

I heard a melodic laugh ring out, "now that's the perfect way to wake up" he spoke joyfully. I felt my cheeks heat up so I hurried my face into his neck.

"Are you feeling shy little one" he jested and pulled me closer to his body. "No matter, I must get up since I bet that you are ready for some breakfast".

I shot up like a bullet grinning and nodding at him. I hadn't had a full meal since the day he left the cell so the idea of having some food in the morning was incredibly enticing.

I watched Loki get up from the bed and a green light passed over him. Suddenly he was standing there in new clothes and I felt my jaw drop. Sure I had seen a little bit of his magic before, but this was a new level.

He turned to look at me and smiled. "I will be back soon darling, just stay here and I shall bring you breakfast". With that, he turned and headed out of his chambers.

I didn't feel like getting up so I just sat against the headboard and looked around the huge space. I could have easily guessed it was Loki's room due to the colouring as well as the books and scrolls scattered around.

After daydreaming for some time I heard the door open. I automatically shrank back before looking at the perpetrator. I was relieved to see that it was Loki carrying a huge tray of food.

He came and sat next to me on the bed. I automatically reached for one of the loose grapes rolling around the bowl but Loki grabbed hold of my wrist. "Allow me to feed you little one, remember I have been charged with your care", he flashed me a cheeky grin. "I must admit I am glad to see that your appetite has not diminished".

I withdrew my hand and rested my head on his shoulder. He pulled me in closer with an arm around my waist and began to feed me grapes with his free hand.

After we had both demolished most of the food we were finishing off the bread and honey. As he brought the final piece to my mouth I noticed a large drop of honey on his finger. As I took the piece of bread from him I wrapped my lips around his finger and cleaned it off with my tongue.

I hadn't even thought about the consequences of my actions until I heard a groan fall through his lips. I relinquished his finger and looked into his rapidly darkening eyes.

Though I knew he would never hurt me I felt myself freeze up. I had seen that look on enough men's faces to know what it means.

"Don't worry you cheeky thing, I will not harm you or take you by force. You are always safe with me" he told me with a soft smile and pulled me into his arms.

I instantly felt relieved and relaxed in his embrace. He suddenly picked me up and put me on his hip causing me to let out a surprised yelp.

Hearing him chuckle I turned to glare at him but this only made him laugh harder. "If looks could kill I would be stone cold dead dearest. Now, I think it's about time you have a proper bath since you are still covered in dried blood".

Looking at my body I realised he was correct. My skin was covered in blood. It was also at that moment I realised I was still naked. My heart instantly began racing.

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