Chapter 14

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Niall's POV

I'm exhausted, a bit from rehearsals but mostly from Maya. Ever since she can back into my life, I haven't been getting sleep and when I do, she appears in my dreams. Is it weird that I think about her more then I think about my girlfriend? Of course it is, you idiot! I don't know what's gotten into me, whether it's Maya avoiding me or the fact she has a 'thing' with Harry. Why in the world did she pick him anyways? I mean last time we talked, she told me how she hated flirts and players but here she is with Harry! Just thinking about it irritates me, I can just punch a wall!

"Whoa there cowboy. I get your nervous about tonight but no need to punch a wall." Liam said.

"It's not nervousness" I said with a slight tone of anger.

"Then what is it?"


"Over who? Sam?"

"No, Harry"

"Harry? What did he do this time?"

"He's basically all over Maya. Playing her like she some kind of toy"

"Ohh, now it makes sense"

"Just think about it, Liam. When was the last time Harry has been in a serious relationship?"


"You don't know because he never has!"

"Well, maybe this time, him and Maya are serious"

"It just doesn't make sense. She hates guys like Harry, you know flirts or players. I just don't understand why she would date one"

"Mate, you haven't talked to her in ages. Her taste in guys could've changed"

"Doubt it, her last boyfriend when we were close, was exactly like Harry. When he broke up with her, she swore she wouldn't date a guy like him ever again, cause didn't want to be played. And I know Maya, she would never break her promises"

"I don't know, it seems legit to me. It doesn't seem fake"

"Fake. God damn it! How could I be such a fool?"

"Wanna clue me in"

"It's fake, their whole relationship is fake. Can't you see they're not affectionate nor have they ever kissed"

"You got a point but don't you think your overanalyzing this? They could be taking it slow"

"Whatever, I need to talk to Harry" I said, heading towards the door.

"Wait! Think about what your going do before you do something stupid. Cause at this rate you look like a raging bull and Harry is the red cape you want to charge at" Liam said, stopping me from moving any further.

"What's there to think about?"

"What are you going to ask him, 'are you and Maya in a fake relationship?' You have no evidence to prove you're point" Liam was right. The only evidence I had was the fact they weren't lovey dovey. I guess I got some snooping to do.

"Liam Payne, would you like to be my Watson?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I can't be Sherlock without a Watson, duh!"


"I can't believe you talked me into this" Liam said.

"Hey, aren't you the one who wanted to live the life of James Bond?"


"Well, here'a your James Bond moment"

"This has nothing to do with Jame-"

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