Chapter 10

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The boys, Ella and I are sitting in this little 80's diner. We just got eliminated from The X-Factor. I must admit it sucks but I'm glad we got this far.  

"Here are your orders. Hey, aren't you guys Union J and Ella Henderson?" The waitress asked while placing our orders on the table. She was petite, had black straight hair that was put into a ponytail and brown eyes. She had a olive tone skin color. 

"We sure are" Josh said eagerly. Could this be a crush?  

"Do you mind if I can take a picture with you all?" She asked. We took a few pictures. As soon as we were done we gave Katie (I finally noticed her name tag) hugs and sat back down. Josh and Katie chatted for a bit but she soon left to continue on with her job. Josh sat back down beside Jaymi.  

"Joshie" we all cooed.  

"What?" He asked innocently.  

"Joshie, my little Joshie is growing up" Jaymi said pinching his cheeks.  

"Shut up" Josh groaned. We laughed. After the laughing died down, Ella decided to target me next.  

"JJ, how are things with Layla?" A smile appeared on my face at the mention of her name. I couldn't help it, it's just the effect Layla had on me. 

"Aww JJ, oh little JJ is blushing" Jaymi cooed, this time pinching my cheeks.  

"Shut up Jaymi" I said, slapping his hands away.  

"You two are so getting married" Josh said.  

"Who? JJ and I" Jaymi asked in shock.  

"Noo, I meant JJ and Layla" Josh said making me blush more then I was before.  

"I call best man" George shouted raising his hand like he was in pre-school.  

"Hey isn't that Layla over there?" Jaymi asked pointing to a table where Layla and a man that looked like Zayn Malik from One Direction sat. She was talking to him while he was dying of laughter, as if she was telling him a funny story.  

"Is that Zayn Malik from One Direction?" George asked.  

"Yeah" Ella answered.  

Layla seemed really happy, slightly more happy then when she was with me. Zayn put his hand on hers, shaking his head, trying to tell her to stop talking. How does he managed to skip 3 steps? I mean I'm only at the coffee stage which is stage 1 in the dating process and he's already at the dinner stage. Wait, It's not just Zayn I should be worried about, It's also her. She could've easily rejected him and push his hand away but she didn't. I fuming by this point, I can feel my face burning up.  

"JJ, are you okay?" Ella asked.  

"Fine" I muttered between my clinched teeth. I paid for my dinner and walked out. I needed fresh air to calm me down. Maybe their not on a date. Maybe their just friends. 

"JJ? Is that you?" Her voice brought me back to reality. I turned around to find Layla and Zayn standing side by side. Bullshit, they're definitely on a date.  

"Hi" I said monotone. She hugged me but I didn't put much effort into it.  

"How are you?" She asked.  

"Good" I responded.  

"That's good, uh... this is Zayn-" 

"I know who he is" I cut her off. 

"Nice to meet you" Zayn said holding out his hand for a handshake. I nodded in return and turn my attention back to Layla. Zayn awkwardly put his hand back to his side.  

"Uhh... Layla, I'm just gonna wait in the car" Zayn said before walking away.  

"What's wrong JJ?" Layla asked.  

"Nothing" I said starting to walk away. She grabbed my arm, causing me to turn around.  

"Your lying" she stated.  

"Congrats, you figured out I was lying. Do you want a cookie?" I said bitterly. She looked taken back.  

"Must be nice going around and hangout with all these famous people. It's funny because I remember you telling me how you hated all the attention and fame but here you are with Zayn Malik, the day after we went out" I said with much anger. 

"JJ, Zayn and I were just-" 

"Hanging out? Oh so when you girls hangout with guys it's perfectly normal but when it's the opposite, we guys are known as players?"  

"JJ, I'm so-" 

"I don't need this right now. Have fun with Zayn" I said walking away. I turned the corner to head to the hotel. I looked back at her one last time and she stood there with hurt written all over her face, almost about to burst into tears. Maybe it was wrong of me to yell at her like that. But I couldn't stop myself, from getting eliminated from The X-Factor and find Layla with Zayn, all the anger and hurt that I've been holding in, just came out and Layla just so happen to receive it all. 

I was about to walk towards her but Zayn swooped in to save the day. He hugged her as she shook in his arms from crying. After a while, they went to his fancy car. I watched them drive off as I stood there. There's nothing I can do, I just lost all my chances with Layla and handed them to Zayn.  


Hey gangsters,

So much drama! So far Niall is pissed off with Maya and Harry and now JJ is pissed off with Layla and Zayn. Don't get too comfortable there's more drama in upcoming chapters! Aha I'm so excited to upload them!

Anyways, IT SNOWED! Now I don't mean light snow that lasts for 5 minutes, I mean an actual snow storm! It's so beautiful outside with the snow on the trees and and the little snowmen made by kids. Gosh I sound like an old lady talking about her grandchildren.

I'm bored so I thought I would have a 1D and Union J quiz? The first person to comment and get it right will get a dedication in the next chapter!

1. Who has the number 4 in Roman numerals tattooed on their forearm from Union J? 

2. Which members of 1D like the movie Grease?

Lastly if you guys know any good stories, 1D/Union J or a non-fanfiction story, please let me in the comment box.

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